It didn't go as he thought it would. Yes, he knew there would be reds, enough of them to cause trouble, but not for a second did he think there'd be anywhere near the amount that was bearing down on him from every direction. It wasn't like a damn slowly bursting under a massive amount of pressure. It was like the red sea reclaiming its territory after Moses decided to let his arms rest. There was a red everywhere. Hell, it was a choir to see any of the cement grey beneath their rushing numbers. "No need to count them all" Jimmy muttered, raising his staff and aiming at a group of reds that almost close enough to kill him with their bad, coppery, breaths. "Lamma!" He called as he raised his staff and let loose a wave of invisible blades made out of pure will. Each of the blades found their marks in the blood sacks, causing a dozen or so vampire bellies to burst open. Every one of the vamps that got hit by the spell fell went down, and none bothered to get up. Which would've been cause for celebration, under most circumstances, but because of the twenty vamps leaping over their fellow brothers in arms, streamers and cakes were held off. "Inanis" he said, snapping his fingers and taking a step back. There was a loud POP, a violent movement of air, and then a condensed sphere of what used to be red court vampires. Another wave went down because blades separating heads from necks had that effect. Before the next one got a chance to form up and aim towards him, Jimmy noted that at least half of the wards were down, which was good enough for him. "Inanis!" He shouted as a hole appeared where two doors used to be. "Now's not the time to risk running into a locked set of doors!" He said as a way to explain the strange act of destruction to anyone near enough to hear. "Alright people, let's move in and see what kind of fruit we're going to get to reap today." He waved his arm, pointed to the opening and then started moving towards said opening. "Let's get inside." He turned towards Jade, and called "I hope you've got enough strength to open the way because I'm extremely doubtful we're going to be able to come out the same way we went in."