[center][img]http://i59.tinypic.com/dph2cx.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h2]Chen Chideta[/h2][/center] Chen perked up as the two Kiri-nin (or were they considered missing nin? Who cares?) walked into the room to explain their mission. He looked at the big dude with the sword and a bit of bloodthirst bled into his grin. Would they be working with this dude? He seemed battle hardened and strong, maybe they would have to prove themselves by fighting him. Oh, he was talking now. Better respond. "It's no problem at all really. We Konoha-nin are always happy to help a country in need." Chen spouted off the usual political answer with a normal smile on his face. What a load of BS. Konoha only helped people when they gained from it, just like every other village. If you observed Chen's face, you would see the exact moment his expression changed to one of horror as his dreams were crushed and the mission was explained. Training a bunch of civilians! This was not what he signed up for! [hr] [i]One Week Ago[/i] Chen lounged in his house as he lazily threw Senbon at his ceiling. It had been an hour now and he was making a recreation of the 6th Hokage's face. His doorbell rang and he shot out of his chair. "Just a second! I need to get a shirt on!" Chen threw on a jacket and zipped it up quickly. He rushed over to the door and opened it up, a courier was standing in the pouring rain with an umbrella and a scroll held out in his hand. He handed it to Chen and told to sign his name on the dotted line. Chen quickly skimmed it and his eyes lit up at the mention of Kiri. "Yes! Murder time, woot woot! Gonna get stronger through conflict and death! Yeah!" He signed the scroll with a pen he grabbed from a nearby table and handed it back to the courier. Chen slammed the door shut and did a little dance. Time to get packed! He should probably take down all those Senbon too. 'I'll get around to it.' [i]End Flashback[/i] [hr] Chen boiled inside, while he put on a happy smile. He walked through the open door, mumbling out a quick thank you as they walked somewhere else in this shitty base. He walked down a sparsely lit tunnel and grumbled internally about not getting to kill people. This was bull shit. As they cited he saw a bunch of people doing exercises and practicing Taijutsu katas. Oh god they were awful, he was not going to be teaching cannon fodder. Not for all the power in the world. "I'll help you guys guard. I'm not a very good teacher." He wasn't lying technically, he would probably end up killing some civilian by accident. That's not teacher material. Chen walked behind Takeo and waved goodbye to Akio and Chokashi. Good luck, suckers. Chen was assigned to watch some boring tunnel in some other spot. He pulled out his phone and frowned. Of course there's no bars, they're underground. This mission sucks.