[center][img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/answers/3380000/3380551_1381149278905.65res_300_300.jpg[/img][/center] It had been weeks since he was in that hellhole of a cell. Torture and things of the sort. It was an eye opener for him, to the way the world really ran. Gin had all but put his time in Konaha behind him and decided to seek refuge in his homeland, Kirigakure. It was already hell over there as Gian had said. He didn't want to believe it but it wasn't until one day when a protest against the government had gotten violent to the point explosive tags had been used did he decide "to hell with this and to hell with the Mizukage". Since then he had devoted himself to the cause and all in all, it was a good choice for him. He begun his career with the rebellion in a simple way; a bombing of a rather small government office for one of the councilmembers. It was needless to say flawless, but the only reason was due to him being trained by one of the ressistance best saboteurs. He was there to neutralize the guards and plant the bomb in a place that would give it maximum efficiency. Through the weeks however, that had changed. He he progressed rather quickly as he had been asked to help out with the capture and interrogation of a few councilmembers, related officials and couriers as well as a few small time bombings, mostly places where most of the loyalists would go such as specific bars or resturants. It didn't take long for him to learn how to make larger and more effective bombs rather than the ordinary explosive tags. In less than a mouth he become officially responsible for the assassination of a influential councilmember via IED. Soon enough he became known through parts of the resistance. It was then he acquired small factions that would help him in certain tasks, mostly bombings and small skirmishes with loyalists. Currently... He watched from one of the foodstands by the harbor as ships would come and go. The harbor itself wasn't as large as the other ones would be on the coast. Mostly ferry ships or small cargo would come through hence the few cranes it had but nothing special. But that was the reason he was here. There had been news through the resistance and confirmed by information that was intercepted that a ship containing supplies for the opposition, who for him was the Mizukage and their followers. He and a small unit of ninjas, four to five at most, had managed to infiltrate that area of the harbor through means of forged documents, "relieving" workers that would be on the clock for the shipment, and other reconnaissance. They had managed to go undercover as dock workers, more specifically maintenance workers, responsible for the repairs and maintenance on the dock and equipment. The night prior to its arrival, they had managed to line that specific section with explosive tags meant not only to destroy that section of the harbor, which for the time being was meant to help supply the Mizukage, but also destroy the ship and its contents. More importantly, the shipment was a fairly significant amount of weaponry and supplies ranging from rations to money. "Sir, everything is in place. Just awaiting your signal." He smirked as the news came over his headset. He gave a sidelong glance to that section, awaiting the ship to fully dock, which would be another fifteen minutes. [color=f7941d]"Maaah! Akio-san, please tell me we won't have to take another boat for sometime."[/color] He raised an eyebrow as he looked in the direction of the one who yelled that allowed. [color=00aeef]"Son of a-"[/color] A look of disgust crossed his face as he let out a silent "Tch". [i][color=00aeef]"What the fuck are Konaha shinobi doing here? I thought that this was a Mist problem.'[/color][/i] [color=00aeef]"Oi, Kyoku, get in touch with base, I want to know why Konaha is here..."[/color] "Yes sir". He glared at them before completely turing away from them to now watch the ship slowly starting to unload. He grinned slightly before turning to the stand owner and asking [color=00aeef]"Do you sell anything here that's spicy?"[/color] As soon as those words left his lips, the immediate sound of explosions followed one after the other only by miliseconds. The dock, workers, shipment, and the ship itself were engulfed by fire and smoke as the shockwave washed over the rest of the dock. People were screaming as pieces of the ship and all that surrounded it rained down on the other people in the market area of the harbor. Quickly he rushed out of the area and down a few streets before jumping into a man hole that was waiting for him by two of his fellow resistance members. As soon as he was in the closed the lid and went on their separate ways, each going to the other rendezvous spot. He made it down the tunnel and moved through the system with relative ease as he made his way back to base only to find from behind a doorway Akio and Chokashi talking to two of the resistance members. He sneered as he put up his hood and walked by them, keeping his face away from where their eyes were set. [hr] [center][IMG]http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire1/9ee0d1939bcf113d8fc26b5e527f71d11302025192_full.jpg[/IMG][/center] He rolled his as at her with a teasing smile. [color=f7941d]"Oh training civvies? I always saw you as a teacher, but not like a good one.....I'm kidding. That won't bother me in the least. I don't mind showing them a thing or two haha.[/color] Cho sighed in unison with Akio as Chen ran off to find the resistance member. He leaned over to Akio before glancing at her. [color=f7941d]Umm...Why is Chen with us again? Isn't he a bit-"[/color] Moving his finger in a circular motion next to his temple while whistling the sound of a Cookoo clock. Before he left the gangplank however, he leaned over it one last time and hurled up the last bit of his lunch. [color=f7941d]Ugh...Maaaaa, Akio-san, please tell me we won't have to take another boat for some time?"[/color] He asked as he wiped his mouth and took a swig from his water, swished it around and finally spitting it back out over the dock. He followed her and the resistance member through the encampment as they gave them a tour of the place. [color=f7941d]"Quite a base even with the lack of supplies, ne?"[/color] He looked at Akio with a wink before looking around at the different tents and whatnot. After Tetsu's and Takeo's introduction he turned to Akio with a inquisitive look. [color=f7941d]"Oi, what are you going to help them out with, huh? I was thinking of teaching some of these guys and gals some hand to hand. What are you doing?"[/color]