Hey guys! I got more free time now to join and I got Eklipse's permission to join now so here is my form. Name: Sandra Blight Appearance: [hider=appearance][img]http://img05.deviantart.net/6372/i/2015/122/f/8/best_disguise_ever_by_gambol_edelin-d2pb0vt.jpg[/img][/hider] Age: 18 Gender: Female Abilities*: [hider=Hero's Sword] [Hider=The sword/dual sword][img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/d566/f/2007/103/0/3/dagger_by_vegettogt4.png[/img] Starts off as two separate blades.[/hider] Experience Grinding: Slowly during a fight the swords power channels through Sandra making her stronger over time. This ranges from both physical attributes like strength and defense to also mental attributes like IQ and mental fortitude. Caps out at x2 Sandra's original base power Weakness of this ability is that there are only two ways for her to gain experience in a fight. Hit an opponent with the blades or sit down in mediation which is slower charging than the first method. Needs to be holding both swords for power to be active. Continue: By using half her Experience grinding charge Sandra can negate a hit/damage, leaving only a shadow behind to take the damage and appear where she was 5 seconds ago. Requires her to be at x1.5 power or else fails. Final Boss: When at x2 power Sandra can combine the two swords into one great sword which increases her base power to x3 but removes the continue ability and only last for 7 seconds. At which point she is locked out of Hero sword all together. Last resort type move. [/hider] How you could work in a team: At the start a mid guard due to not being able to front guard due to her weak start and not being able to back guard because of no real supporting ability. Once reaching over x1.5 she can enter the front line and help keep an enemy on its toes. Personality (You can keep it short if you wish)*: Happy and chirpy. Enjoys fighting and has big dreams of changing the future almost like a game protagonist. Is friendly with almost everyone out of curiosity of what other people can do. Can be a bit oblivious though which can leave her open in a fight. History: A normal life. Thats what Sandra lived up to two year ago, living in the city she had been born in repeating the same routine everyday. Walking around the nearby forest one day she found a mysterious cave she had not seen before despite knowing the area almost back to front. Letting curiosity get the better of her Sandra entered the dark cave and walked for what felt like minutes before reaching a lightened area. In the cave was a room lit by sunlight from a hole in the ceiling which bought the harsh sunlight down. The room however was empty execpt for a sword lodged deep inside a rock. Feeling like in a fairy tale of the past she foolishly approached the sword. Pulling the magical sword from the stone was the final step for her to gain the powers she now possesses. The following year she trained on the beach with the swords before attending the school. Other: Loves chocolate and respond poorly to flirting, either not noticing or getting flustered. [hider=Classes]Sandra Blight First Period:Alchemy Second Period: Physical Education Third Period: General education Fourth Period: Elements Class Fifth Period: Combat Training Sixth Period: Practical Applications Seventh Period: Magic Theory Eighth Period: Sealing [/hider]