Skallagrim glanced at the wolfman, a blaze of light emanated from his eyesockets,[color=8493ca] “War has come to the Nexus. The staff will open portals to home worlds . . . “[/color] Before the Cughtagh could finish a loud explosion rocked the building, followed by screams of pain. Drawing the energies around him, the skeletal being begin to hum as a surge of energy rippled across the room. The body of an aide rocketed through a doorway into the room, where the crumpled body, landed with a heavy thud. Shadows loomed in the doorway, followed by deep and throaty laughter. A tall creature, nearly seven feet in height, stepped into the room, others flooded in behind him. Wicked, inky black weapons oozing with energy crackled. Massive wings flexed and folded against the backs of these creatures. [color=f49ac2]“The Key! Where is the Key?”[/color] Skallagrim chuckled as he glanced at each of the seven beings that faced off against him, “This is not your fight Daniel, you should go.” Tapping the sword that nestled in the sheath, he spoke again, [color=8493ca]“You are a fool N’Katya. You have always been a fool who lusted for power. You have been locked in the gloom for so long you cannot see the truth before you.”[/color] [color=f49ac2]“Silence!”[/color] roared the one called N’Katya. [color=f49ac2]“You have grown soft, weak while I have grown strong in the Galdhr. Give me the Key and I shall spare you witnessing the execution of the Queen.”[/color] Beyond the great room, screams and howls continued as some of the staff valiantly fought back, trying to ensure the safety of the guests. Another explosion rocked the Hall, followed by the sounds of heavy energy weapons being discharged. “[color=f49ac2]Your minions do not have the weapons to harm us.”[/color] N’Katya stated as she moved forward slowly, the glaive held low with the blade brushing the ground, “[color=f49ac2]Skallagrim you don’t believe that you can hold this place from us do you?” [/color]Glancing at her companions then back at the Cughtagh,[color=f49ac2] “The Lord of Nightmares will be free this day.”[/color] Chuckling, Skallagrim raised a hand, swarming amethyst energies raced around it, cascading down his arm and swirling rapidly around his body. [color=8493ca]“You are not master here, I am. Lay down your weapons and I shall speak on your behalf, I shall plead mercy for you and your rebellious companions.” [/color] Snarling, N’Katya moved her left hand so quickly that Skallagrim was caught off guard as gravity shifted and nearly one ton of weight pressed down on the Cughtagh, who dropped to a knee. The swirling tendrils of energy lashed out, lightning fast, striking the winged being in the chest, lifting her off her feet and casting her back into a few of her companions and out the hall. The two other Forgotten rushed forward, their fluid black weapons ready to strike the skeletal from slowly raising to his feet, struggling against the very increasing pressure of gravity. With great effort Skallagrim tried to draw his sword, however he was a late. The two maces hammered Skallagrim with such force that he emitted a howl of pain as the Galdhr flared around the skeletal form. Again amethyst energies flared and exploded around Skallagrim as the two Forgotten were knocked to the ground and across the floor into a wall. In the doorway, N’Katya loomed, the glaive pointing at Skallagrim, [color=f49ac2]“Today you die Cughtagh. Today you shall feel the power of the Nightmares!” [/color] With great effort, the war sword sprang free and into the hands of Skallagrim, still on one knee as he focused on repelling the Galdhr that increasing the gravity around him. He had to buy time to create a portal and send the winners of this round to a place where they might fight without the presence of the Forgotten. [color=8493ca]“N’Katya, you have always been a braggart. Yet for ever boast you have made, I have bested you. Today shall be no different!”[/color] With a howl of rage, the tall winged Xindhi thrust the glaive at Skallagrim, and energy rocketed the skeletal being through the wall into the great foyer where several of the staff, hunkered down behind overturned tables struggled to keep the Forgotten from getting to the portals where guests were fleeing.