[center][img]http://www.wall321.com/thumbnails/detail/20121004/knights%20armor%20shield%20capes%20swords%20pixiv%20fantasia%201500x1059%20wallpaper_www.wall321.com_47.jpg[/img] Obviously this is her when armored, I’ll add an unarmored picture once she first takes off her helm. Keeps a nice sense of mystery, eh? [hr] [b]Height[/b]: 192 cm [b]Weight[/b]: 86 kg [b]RLN[/b]: Sarah Jameson [b]GN[/b]: Sonia [b]Age[/b]: 21 [b]Race[/b]: Gnome [b]History[/b]: There really isn’t much to say, after becoming trapped within the game Sonia went straight to monster hunting. Her goal was to build some combat skills quickly as possible; matters were only going to get worse and she wanted the skills to defend herself. Currently she is working alone, and often times takes low risk hunting trips out of town. More recently Sonia picked up mining seeing as a Gnome she has a racial advantage in learning it, and ore does make for a nice extra source of income. [b]Personality[/b]: If you were to ask her Sonia would say she's "Like everyone else." Now what's more notable about her is Sonia likes to take measured risks, meaning she won't go charging into a dangerous situation, after all her actual life is on the line, but she wouldn't likely run from them either. For the most part she likes her privacy, and being a freelancer suits her just fine. [b]Character Build[/b]: The main idea is a defensive build with a little bit of offense. As for the actual skills... [hr] Proficient in Swords (One Handed) Proficient in Shields Proficient in Heavy Armor Basic in Mining Basic in Battle Healing [hr] [b]Other[/b]: No idea what actual levels these skills would be, so hope this works.[/center]