I wanted to make a bitchy, snob princess-y character, but muse told me to go this way. Kingdom info: Xaecia (pronounced see-si-ya) is located to the north, near Shdowpine but not too close to the tundra. The kingdom itself is full of chrome buildings and the assortment of facilities that the citizens have invented (did anyone say moving walkways??) [hider=Blake] [center][h2][color=00a99d]Larissa Blake de Boer of Xaecia[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/sM3OJlx.png[/img] [sub][i]"Don't be afraid of what's under the bed It's just all those memories you try to forget"[/i] -[b]Lenka; Monsters[/b][/sub] [h3][color=00a99d]♔[/color] Larissa Blake de Boer [color=00a99d]♔[/color][/h3] [b]| [color=00a99d]Nickname [/color]|[/b] Lars, Queen Slayer [b]| [color=00a99d]Birth date and age[/color] |[/b] December 19th, 18 [b]| [color=00a99d]Sexuality [/color]|[/b] Demisexual [b]| [color=00a99d]In Depth Appearance[/color] |[/b] Blake stands at five foot six with dark hair and light grey eyes underneath dark-rimmed glasses. Some of her most noticeable features are the scars on her back, her hips, and on the underside of her chin. She also has the name of her mother tattooed in fine script on her ankle, just below where her crutches fell. Her crutches are black and are strapped to her legs. It's not that noticeable, especially since she'd taken to wearing pants after the incident. She dresses comfortably when at home, but she likes to put on nice clothes whenever she leaves the house just to intimidate people. Despite her pretty face, her lips are almost always pulled down into a scowl. [b]| [color=00a99d]Personality [/color]|[/b] [i]♔ Intelligent ♔ Ruthless ♔ Snobbish[/i] Blake is vengeful. She's not one to allow a wrongdoing to go unpunished, especially if it was done to her. You would find yourself the target of her manipulative ways should you harm her in any way, and it wouldn't be fun. With this knowledge and the fact that she held quite a reputation - with some people still believing that she had killed her own mother - people choose to keep their distance from the cold and snobbish girl. For Blake, it was fine since she saw them as beneath her. She was the princess, despite having been cut off from the family, and she believed herself to be the smartest among them. [b]| [color=00a99d]Likes [/color]|[/b] [color=00a99d]♔[/color] Reading [color=00a99d]♔[/color] Technology [color=00a99d]♔[/color] Coffee [color=00a99d]♔[/color] A good meal [color=00a99d]♔[/color] Music [b]| [color=00a99d]Dislikes [/color]|[/b] [color=00a99d]♔[/color] Nature [color=00a99d]♔[/color] Animals [color=00a99d]♔[/color] Her family [color=00a99d]♔[/color] People in general [color=00a99d]♔[/color] Being interrupted/corrected [b]| [color=00a99d]Fears[/color] |[/b] [color=00a99d]♔[/color] Claustrophobic [color=00a99d]♔[/color] Cars (She can ride them but will never drive) [color=00a99d]♔[/color] Receiving a low score on the annual IQ test [b]| [color=00a99d]Biography[/color] |[/b] Xaecia boasts their status as the most technologically advanced of all the kingdoms. In their land were the brightest minds of the world, all huddled together to create scientific wonders and advancements that merely years ago were absurd dreams. But not in Xaecia. In Xaecia, boundaries are pushed and traditions are questioned. Blake was the only daughter among four older brothers and was the apple of her mother's eyes. There was nothing the Queen wouldn't give or do for her daughter, which got young Blake the jealous fury of her older brothers. It didn't help that although Xaecia was a monarchy, the next in line was decided by their Intelligence Quotient - in a test they had to take annually - and Blake had the lead by a long margin. Fearing for their status, Blake's older brothers had made a plan. Blake was only seven years old then. The official statement was that it had been a car crash, but the King knew better. Despite it, he had chosen to allow his emotions to take control and he put the blame on Blake. The repercussions of the Queen's unfortunate death had been placed on the seven year old princess, who had suffered injury of her own. Crippled and criminalized, Blake left the castle to live with one of the servants of the royal family - a cook by the name of Liana. Despite her young age, Blake knew all that happened. She knew of her brothers plan and the King's denial. She knew and she made plans of her own. The first thing she did was to construct crutches that would allow her to resume motor functions. It took her a year of constant testing and the exhaustion of all the supplies in Liana's house, but she'd been successful. She would never be as agile as she could have been, but she could walk without trouble. The next had been to constantly hone herself. She made her name known in the kingdom, not because of the crime she'd been accused of committing, but because of her excellence. By the age of thirteen, she lead her own circle of technicians and scientists under the name of the Phantoms. Unknown to the monarchy, they created weapons to be sold to the nearby countries. One of their closest associates were the Sacregar, but Blake held the stance that the Phantoms would not include themselves in the matters of the state. They would simply provide arms and information. When Blake had reached the age of 18, she had expected the King to come to her. She knew of the Ball and what it meant for her. She'd been promised to someone the moment she was born, and the King was loathe to turn his back on his word, even if he held ill will towards his daughter. She was to accompany her brothers to the Ball and look pretty as though nothing had happened. But she would show them. She was better than them and the whole world would know it. [/center] [/hider]