Arek was sitting in his room, looking over the letter. It has been giving to him a long time ago. It was devastating. Note stained in red liquid made a traumatising view. He rubbed his fingers so thickly along his forehead that wrinkles formed. There were red marks where he had been rubbing. It was frightening, even the a man of his age and experience. The note. His command he had issued an those years ago. Horrifying was the only mission where the Garrison were sent outside with the Survey...And...everything was so unprepared...that command didn't cost his reputation as a commander. It cost him his dignity; it cost him his sanity. He wanted to end himself after the disaster. He hoped that no Commander would ever make that mistake...everyone had died. And the fact that he witnessed it all, was enough torture. Arek was supposed to carry on with his duties, but he couldn't have the shame in his life. He was prepared to take his place in the death toll he caused...though the government felt they needed him, and set him far from the action, into the training programme. No one knew of this operation. No one knew the true way of the soldiers' deaths. Every family was lied to in letting the secret stay. He felt terrible...he felt terrible...