[quote=@Rtron] [@converge][@Nariata][@Assallya][@Aristo] Character quirks? Odd little things about your character. [/quote] Well, for Merilwyn she shifts from foot to foot when she is impatient (which is often), and can't stand getting dirt (or anything for that matter) under her nails or on her hands. It's such a pet peeve, she even came up with an excuse- like, "It makes it harder to grip my bow," however, it is really because she's a little girl inside. Also, she loves anything mint flavored, especially tea. Which is why she specifically carries a pouch containing mint and herbs, so when they are at camp she can make tea. When she is upset, or deep in thought, she will hold her family pendant or roll it between her fingers. She used to keep a journal where she would draw people or places she wanted to remember- she lost it after the last battle, but if she could get her hands on a new one she would probably use it for the same purpose. Also, it is not a good idea to touch, hold, or in anyway handle her bow. It is her pride and joy. [i]Her precious. [/i]