[color=lightblue][h2]Lilith[/h2] [img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w36/Sarah_Marie_Barr/3b07ebc7-1a47-4d3a-b315-da3eacb4f1d9_zps8fm6rke9.jpg[/img] [i]"Just because I'm dead doesn't mean that I don't have feelings."[/i] [@Snarfulblast]Her ruthless stare slithered to the dwarf behind the counter. She reached beneath the cloud to her purse and extracted the last universal gold coin that she owned. She flopped it on the table and moaned a response. Her voice was high pitched and eerily. [b]"What will this buy me at this establishment? I'd like a drink, something strong yet cheap. And a room for the night. As for food..."[/b] She turned her ghostly gaze upon the emerald green eyed man. [b]..."I won't be eating tonight."[/b][@Dark Light] She smiled tauntingly, after overhearing the men's conversation. If only they were aware of her deep dark secrets and how she craved their souls...At this thought, she immediately pulled a beautiful light blue glass pipe from her shadow that was loaded with marijuanna. Looking up from her task to the man in flip flops[@Billsomething], she politely inquired, [b]"Is smoking allowed in this place?"[/b] **Edit [/color]