[b][color=ed1c24]One by one, Mictlantecuhtli called the names and each person came up to get their Dance Book. "Now that everyone has a book and we shall get to the meat of this game. Each male will choose a dance for each female. There is a number in the book cover which will be used as the code name. But be quick about it! You have hmmmm.... fifteen minutes to do so. Starting right now. The Hall CLock will announce the time to go in for the first dance." [Hider= Numbers in the cover of dance book] Aaron- 1 Blake-2 Neven -3 Valask-4 Yosef- 5 Bessie-6 Emily-7 Julia-8 Kameyo-9 Penelope-10 [/hider] [/color][/b] [b][color=ec008c]Bessie received her book and headed for the chocolate fountain to wait for anyone to sign her book.[/color][/b]