[color=lightblue][h2]Lilith[/h2] [@Billsomething]She smirked up at him as he stood before her, peering through her raggedy veil. She then proceeded to light the pipe and inhaled a deep breath. She held it with skill for as long as she could, enjoying the euphoric head rush and how the high wiped her need to feed. She let it out in a great huff while the smoke hovered around her. Turning her ghastly stare back to the dwarf[@Snarfulblast], she scouted the soulful drinks he had displayed. She was very impressed with the variety of drinks. Whoever owned this tavern really knew how to cater to the different species. Spotting an ancient flask filled with a bright red liquor, her heart practically melted as she and only she recognized and heard the piercing scream of the evil soul that the flask contained. She raised her hand that was wrapped in an old black cloth, raised and pointed her ivory skeleton like index finger to that certain drink. [b]"I'll take that one."[/b] Her tone was cold hearted although it was hard to contain her anticipation for the drink. [/color]