[b]Teddie, New York City, Time Square[/b] Teddie woke up abruptly in a world he did not understand. It looked nothing like Inaba or the TV World, as most of the ruins seemed like they were supposed to be buildings of great height, crammed together one by one. He wasn't afraid of all the ruins and what it implied. Only until he realized nobody else was with him. Not Sensei, (The Avatar / Yu) not Yosuke, not even Chie. Teddie tried to sense others. But it didn't work, like most of the time, when he was outside the TV. He knew he could have stopped there. But he had to keep trying, for the sake of all his friends. But something was different [i]this[/i] time. He could feel others, lost, just like him. But he knew they weren't. They weren't bear suits, or maybe even [i]humans,[/i] like his friends. So he did what any logical bear suit would do and yell. [color=0072bc]"Yosuke! Chie! Sensei! Is anybody even [i]here?[/i][/color]