Derek had never been one for AR goggles. In his personal opinion, they limited his awareness a bit. Back in his early days, the HUD had a tendency to block key details that could alert him to pursuers. However, when it came to gathering info on the fly of a job, there was nothing superior. Besides, he could always just take them off in a bind. And his lack of information was his biggest challenge here. Looking out at the Rashin research station, a ping appeared in the top left of his visor, indicating active comms. "Never seen you wheel and deal with our 'friends' so quickly, Derek. You're really serious about this, aren't you?" Myles intoned. Derek put two fingers between the crease between his neck and chin. His usual communicator had been swapped out with a sub-vocal model. "I did the prep work for this job in three hours, friend. That's probably my new record. Am I serious?" Derek was normally sarcastic, but it shot to new levels when he was on edge. And every bit of intuition he had told him this job would go bad. Still, he felt determined for some reason. Maybe he just wanted to show off. "Anyway, yes. I have my toys. Gecko gloves, RFID eraser, multi-tool, white noise generators, and a light absorption suit; the works. So I hope you found a way to make this work, or we owe people some serious gear." There was silence for a few seconds. "Well," Myles said nervously, "I found a few things. A few Rashin agents came in early tonight in deviance of standard procedure, so something is going down. I tried to check if they left security holes, but no dice. Other then that, there is one way in. But its suicide, and......... you're going to go in through it, aren't you?" Derek was grinning ear to ear. "The main chimney, huh? You would think when they re-purposed this place they would, I don't know, close off the chimney stack? Welp, their loss. I'll contact you if things go south." Derek went radio silent, and double checked his gear. He spent a bit of extra time on his gecko gloves. He was good with his glider, but he would need these working at full capacity if we wanted to make it through alive. With everything in order, Derek jumped off the building, and engaged his glider. Normally, Derek might have been picked up by cameras in a fly by of this place. However, his suit would pay dividends here, and keep him out of sight. After making a quick aerial movement, he flew up the chimney stack of the building and dove in. While the chimney wasn't active any more, timing his landing was imperative to a clean entrance. Spotting an old shaft with his AR goggles, Derek attached to the wall with his gecko gloves and swung inside. About 10 minutes later, Derek had worked his way through the old vents into a security room. He was overhead the guard working at the console. He smirked. This poor soul had no chance. Opening the hatch with the multi-tool, Derek attached a grapple line to the vent and slowly descended. A quick shot from his tranquilizer dart rendered the guard unconscious, and Derek hit the floor. Carefully removing the dart, he took a look at the desk space, spotting an empty coffee mug. "Should've had a bit more, I think," Derek muttered to himself. "Now your supervisor's gonna be pissed at you for sleeping on the job." Derek went into the camera layout on the console, and started snooping. It didn't take long to find what he needed. Project Gemini. The files had a lot of scientific jargon that seemed a bit much for a simple pair of pistols. Seems like dear old dad left of few details out of this one's story. Something was very wrong here, and Derek was getting a vibe he stepped into something nasty. Still, he was too far in to quit now. It was time to make a move. Derek quickly tracked down the pistols. They were locked down in isolation chamber Delta 4, which wasn't to far from here. As good of security they had outside, Derek was a mastermind at internal infiltration. With a quick glance to find his way, Derek dove into another set of air-vents, switching between them in short bursts to dodge any security within them, and headed towards his legacy.