The tantalizing delicious scent that came from the freshly baked chicken upon Ravens plate was testing him as he walked across the festival ground and over to same table he had been sitting at only moments before. Pulling a chair out from under the hard wooden table, he quickly took a seat and placed the plate of food in front of him on its surface. Anyone that had been watching him at this point would have considered the man starving or at least thought that he enjoyed the food quite a bit more than the normal participant. Using a knife and fork, Raven cut into the chicken upon his plate and started to devour it with a ravenous appetite. After a moment or so of this, the food would have vanished, and plate cleaned of all its food, sitting alone upon the table, now someone else’s problem to clean up. Too tired to care about returning the plate, Raven walked through the groups of cheerful people that filled the tables around him while trying to find anyone he knew. Thankfully, sitting at one of the tables nearby was his elven friend Thanneth as well as Deirdre, and Eros who had already managed to end up drunk. [color=00aeef]“Have some respect for yourself Eros and lay off the drinking before you pass out or do something you will regret later.”[/color] Raven smacked the man on the back, half expecting him to fall over flat on his face. [color=00aeef]“You are free to do as you wish of course, but please try and use common sense before hurting yourself.”[/color] Letting out a soft sigh, Raven found an empty seat next to Thanneth and Deirdre, claiming it as his own. “[color=00aeef]Good evening ladies, I hope you two are enjoying yourselves at the celebration?”[/color] Crossing his arms, the ranger leaned back in his seat and waited for a reply. In the far distance, a soft but still audible sound that seemed to be a high pitch wail pierced the night. No one else around him seemed to hear it, and the celebration continued on. The sound came forth from the distance once more, but was clearly closer this time. The hairs on the back of Ravens neck stood up now, his once acceptable state of comfort, shattered and tossed into the wind. Turning his head to Thanneth then to Deirdre, he had a look of concern spread across his face. [color=00aeef]“Am I the only one that heard that? It sounded like a high pitch inhuman wail of some sort.”[/color] Standing up from the table, he motioned to Thanneth, Deirdre, and Eros to join him. [color=00aeef]“I need to have a word with the mayor before we leave, we are going to investigate that sound just to clear my mind.” [/color] The mayor of Bree had his own table that was lavishly decorated with designs carved into the table. Gold and other fine metal plates as well as utensils sat upon the tabletop with his own freshly prepared meal that covered a wide variety of foods. Raven walked up to the large man who sat in a cushioned chair and bowed lightly to him before speaking. [color=00aeef]“My friends and I would like to thank you with all of our hearts for the amazing festival that has been quite a fun event to partake in. As of now though, I must unfortunately announce that we are leaving for the night for our own personal reasons. If you ever require our assistance again, please contact me and we can discuss what has needs to be done. Have a good night and please enjoy the fantastic food, drink, and entertainment you have so kindly set up for us.”[/color] The mayor would open his mouth to say something but quickly nodded his head instead and then shoved a chicken leg into his mouth. [color=00aeef]“Follow me, stay silent and in the shadows, I do not want to take any chances here for I have no idea what we are going to find.”[/color] Raven motioned with his right hand for the group to stay close to him before they arrived at the large river that ran alongside Breeland. Once again, the same unnerving sound could be heard but this time was much closer and did not echo. The air around them had fallen strangely silent, and the winds had died leaving the night with an eerie feeling of dread. In the distance down the road to their left they could see figures moving but could not make out what they were. [color=00aeef]“Look, the road to the north west has riders who approach.”[/color] Raven motioned with his right hand in the direction as the black figures moved closer. [color=00aeef]“Everyone hide, into the forest!”[/color] Raven quickly scurried into the lush forest to their left and threw himself onto the ground, keeping his head part way up only to watch as the Black Riders closed in on them with every moment that passed. [color=00aeef]“Lay still and be silent, do not move a muscle.”[/color] said Raven. Quickly he ordered the rest of his group to do the same as he. Nine Black Riders, he had counted them as they moved down the road, soon to pass them. [color=00aeef]"I must tell the mayor and inform the rest of my mercenaries."[/color] thought Raven to himself, but if these Black Riders turned out to be what he thought they were, they were going to need all the help they could find as well as answers.