[center][h3][color=MediumVioletRed]Veronica Winchester[/color], [color=FireBrick]Kieran Croft[/color], [color=SeaGreen]Hatori Kokonoe[/color][/h3][/center] The sun shone brilliantly as it rose over the horizon, casting a warm light that eclipsed the fading embers of the demon horse. The battle had been intense, and had gravely tested everyone involved. Yet as the group stood together by the Sundancer, they savored the taste of their victory. Kieran sheathed his wooden sword, smirking arrogantly as he pumped his fist into the air enthusiastically. “Hell yeah! We’re awesome!” His energetic and devil may care expression was met with a slap across the arm by a pale Veronica. “Ow! What’s up with you?” His arm stung with a large red mark left by the Witch. He turned to face her and saw that she was still shaken up by the whole ordeal. “How can you be so childish about all of this? Do you not realise what could have happened to us!?” Her voice cracked as if she was holding back tears, and Kieran was speechless. He felt bad for arguing with her when they first arrived. What he thought to be a bossy, annoying and demanding person was actually just a frightened little girl. “Is everyone okay?” Theo’s voice cut through the chilling silence between Kieran and Veronica. The witch held her hands to her head and responded to the Sundancer in shouts. “No, I am not okay! This situation is preposterous! I refuse to partake in this ‘hero’ charade any longer!” At her yelling, Veronica’s orb appeared before her. “[color=MediumVioletRed]I thought you knew what you were getting into, girl.[/color]” “I didn’t expect this! I don’t want to run around fighting absurd monsters!” Veronica fell to her knees, sobbing into her hands. “I want to go home. I don’t want to stay here.” Kieran stood there a bit, staring to the side. He wasn’t very good in these emotional situations and was at a loss for words. A moment ago he’d been completely psyched about taking down their first tough enemy, and the idea of getting stronger because of it was quite appealing. Meanwhile, Hatori and Jura were playing in the grass together after their successful battle. The dragon rolled over with Hatori on top of him, toppling the young boy to the ground with a loud thud. “Oof! That hurt, man!” Hatori stood up, staring Jura in the face with a stern expression. The dragon stared back, its piercing eyes unable to frighten its master. After a few moments passed, Jura blew a puff of smoke into Hatori’s face; resulting in a fit of coughing. Jura growled in enjoyment, but soon found himself snarling as the girl with the baseball bat and a guy dressed like a power ranger stood close by. Hatori turned to face the pair, but before he could greet them his dragon released a threatening roar in their direction. The creature still thought Rosa was an enemy. Hatori stood in front of him, arms spread wide open. “No. Bad Jura! We don’t growl at friends!” Reluctantly, the large beast settled down; nestling itself in the grass for a quick rest. Hatori turned back towards Rosa and Lance, a large grin on his face. “Sorry ‘bout Jura, he’s a little protective!” Hatori put his arms behind his head and walked up to Lance, who seemed to be attending to Rosa. “You guys feeling okay?” [@Tancuras] [@Cuccoruler]