Lob was worried, three days of tracking jasmine and... that was all. No other horses, no other campfires, no other people to blend the scent. He had never tracked a smell like this for so long without it breaking or mingling with others. Time distance and weather didn't even seem to effect the strength of the scent. [color=007236]"Alpha smell, magic smell."[/color] He tracked by day, slept by night, over the next three he found himself sleeping closer and closer to the dwarf, using the hedgehog as a pillow more than once after draping his hide armor over her as a blanket then curling up beside her. He still kept the glowing crystal in his loincloth with whatever bits of food he was foraging for the others. Part of him worried how many cubs were dying because of this search for the alpha, three days with no other parts for the sickness. Not even a gnoll bandit, a scent he knew too well as he rubbed his scarred forehead. Oddly, as the scent of salt passed his nose, he started getting an idea as he pulled out the paper of ingredients. He held up the apothecary notes with two of five scratched out. This was a big place with a lot of traders, surely someone had to have what they needed. "Let's get something to eat, to drink and settled in. Any takers?" [color=007236]"Food, yes. Bed, yes. Buy parts?"[/color]