[center][h3]Warakuma High > Warakuma Park - After School 25/5/2015 Monday[/h3][/center] Rui was on his way home until he got a message on his phone. It was from Akane. It seems she wanted to talk... Well with exams out of the way, this was a good a time to share with her everything. They met up in Warakuma Park. Rui was already off school grounds when he got the message, so he opt a compromise on location which was the park. Sure enough she showed up. [color=slategray]"Right, I guess I should tell you about everything..."[/color], he began with the kidnappings, suspicion around the cult, and everyone else, including Kazuki and his crew. As soon as he finished, he asked if she wanted to join. It was her call. It didn't take her long to accept. [color=slategray]"I see, then we will keep in touch in case something happens"[/color], with that they began to go wherever they wanted or needed to at the time. [hr] [center][h3]Warakuma High 28/5/2015 Thursday[/h3][/center] The week right after exams, all the clubs wanted to relax just a bit. More rigorous ones didn't though, like the kendo club was all about that discipline, so they didn't relax. Though they weren't on today, it was Thursday after all. The school week almost completely passed by already, and still no word from Kami on any new developments. He thought to look out for some on his own too, but the problem with the cult was that it was made up of residents in the town. They probably had eyes and ears everywhere, and blended in like completely normal people. [color=slategray]"Huh... I wish we had some solid lead... I'd rather not have the presence of a cult so actively bother me..."[/color], he muttered as he began to pick his bags up and head home for the day. Drama was on today, but he didn't want to go this week... Right after exams he felt he didn't need that kind of... Drama. Heh. Bad jokes aside, he was ready to head home, so that's what he did.