Ashers head snapped round and her ears (literally) pricked up as her future commander began to speak. She had to suppress the urge to chuckle as she noted his incredibly strong accent and instead she contented herself with a wolfish grin and listened. Ashers was relieved to find Silverwind was not what she considered to be a "stiff". Had that been true she knew she'd have had a particularly rough time ahead of her. As it stood this guy actually made her laugh when he whistled for a rather attractive female red panda by the name of Iriana or "Irry". Ashers quickly dismissed Iriana's actual name as tricky to say and substituted in Irry in its place. She did something similar for Silverwind. Provided he didn't gut her for it when she used it first time he would simply be known as Silver. Ashers threw him a casual salute and a smile as she passed him with the rest of the group on the way into The Parvan's Claw. "Nice t'meet you sir." She added cheerfully. Ashers walked with a slightly excessive bounce in her step and couldn't stop fidgeting with her khaki green rucksacks bag straps as she followed Irry through the Claw's maze of tight corridors, doorways and steep staircases. Ashers actually felt quite at home in these small spaces. They were somewhat reminiscent of the service tunnels she had spent countless hours of her childhood in back at the racetrack and the various pipes and notices that occupied the spaces added character and meant the eye always had something to gaze on rather than a featureless wall. As always seemed to happen when one moves with a group they were walking painfully slowly and it felt as though if she didn't keep her paces short she would ultimately be stepping on someones heels or worse their tails. Ashers didn't let this bother her long and instead examined the other members of her group as they travelled. There was a jackal, two tigers (one of whom appeared about Ashers age and the other of the much rarer grey/white furred variation) and a lynx all of whom were male. There were also two females besides Ashers and Irry; a rather short bat and an extremely effeminate yet somewhat flat chested goat. Eventually, despite the plodding pace the group had moved, they arrived at their destination. "Your assigned station... stick to your crew quarters." Irry informed the group which immediately drew a groan from Ashers. Being confined to such a small space was not exactly Ashers idea of a good time. In fact Ashers had been somewhat looking forwards to spending a fair amount of her free time tinkering with the vehicles here and her GEAR when she could get her hands on it. Nonetheless Ashers decided to make the best of a bad situation and the moment the group was dismissed she paired up with the younger looking tiger (oliver) and, once the group had dispersed somewhat, let out a great big wolf whistle she was sure would be attributed to the tiger she was with and was bound to get him in all kinds of trouble with the teams females.