The close quarters combat was going fine, if you didn’t mind the endless stream of monsters trying to eat your face. With one hand, Jade cut through another vampire and with the other she called up fire and unleashed it into the belly of another. Red court vampires died messy, too much blood and guts. Normally Jade wouldn’t care, but the amount of spilled reds were coating everywhere. The streets were starting to feel a bit slick underneath her boots. It would’ve been terrible and slightly unseemly to trip over gut and have the dozen or so vampires left seize that chance. The wards were only half gone but it was enough for Jimmy to bust down the door and lead the charge in. Jade considered again to set everything on fire but thought best not to. They might be able to gain some information once they were inside and incinerating any clues would be counterproductive. Jade had only set foot through the door and hesitated. The scent of gunpowder was heavy in the air. This was a fireworks storage? No, it now housed other explosives, the more dangerous kind. A Way was opened and the vampires that didn’t attack were busy carrying off crates of explosives. The monsters noticed them immediately and screeched. And the biggest red court vampire Jade had ever seen, dropped the crate it was carrying and rushed over. Jade’s first instinct was to stop it by blowing their heads off and she gathered her will for just that but instead she unleashed pure kinetic force. It hit the vampire head on but it shrugged the blow off without slowing down. Jade cursed.