Daniel instinctively covered his face as an explosion rocked the hall. A corpse flew their way as beings made of shadow and whose weapons were dark and glistening with blood approached them. Skallagrim gave him a glance as he readied his weapon. "This is not your fight, Daniel. You should go." He merely scoffed and drew his sword, holding it askance from his head in his right hand, blade outward as he held up his left hand in a "come hither" position, assuming his sword fighting stance as the winged shadow beings towered over them. [color=lightblue]"[b]Like hell I'm leaving.[/b]"[/color] As the Forgotten swarmed towards him, his black blade glistened with oncoming frost, and as he swung it shards of ice shot from his sword, burying themselves into those that came towards him even as his blade met that of a Forgotten. His left hand shot forward, grabbing the Forgotten's wrist and pulling it towards himself, even as his sword hand released the blade lock, twisting his black blade round to the left to chop its head off as he yanked it past him. The beast's black corpse fell past him even as another charged him, and he met its downward swing with his raised sword. With the clash of metal ringing in his ears, he shot his left hand forward again, grabbing its weapon hand to pull it forward as he chopped his blade down, severing its hand from its wrist. As it screeched in pain, he flipped the hand around so its blade was facing it and drove it straight through its skull. Daniel fell back a step as that corpse fell to the ground, and was immediately buffeted by the winds that echoed past him as Skallagrim flew by, crashing through a wall that separated the hall from a main lobby where more innocents ran around in a panic, trying to get through escape portals on the other side. [color=lightblue]"Skall!"[/color] Abandoning the fight for now, he ran towards the lobby area, where his skeletal friend was engaging in combat with a bigger shadow fiend, one armed with a huge glaive that was on a collision course with his pal. He coated his feet in ice and speed skated towards the conflict, reaching the barricade just in time. With his momentum he took a step onto the barricade and leaped into the air, twisting around to his left while his left hand drew his pistol and fired all the bullets in his magazine into the fiend's face. His momentum led him on a path straight down in front of Skall, and as he landed he ejected the magazine from his pistol and slapped in a fresh one from his belt, the racking of the slide louder in the sudden silence. With a backward glance, he grinned as he raised and readied his sword, his right hand holding the blade so it rested gently on his shoulders behind his head, left hand holding his pistol pointed straight at the dark terror that stood before them. [color=lightblue]"You're the one that brought me here, Skall, and I'd rather be dead than miss a chance to fight [b]with[/b] you instead of [b]against[/b] you this time!"[/color]