Deep in his thoughts. It was his sanctuary. He could recap any moment in his lifetime and no one he hated could be there. Anyone could be ejected and erased from existence inside his dreams. Quiet, as it was. It was soothing to see the birds flutter by as he found his feet on the rocky edge. The drop below was sheer, enough to kill someone. If the person somehow survived the drop, the roll down with knives of natural rock would crave a thirst for taking their life. It was soothing. A quiet sound that everyone would love, mixed with the winds. It was strange, thinking that such a peaceful place would be his last on Earth, at least not how it ended up as. Ben Nevis was such a beautiful place to be, especially with the cool Scottish fog rolling in around the bottom of the mountain. At least a metre high, it would never reach him at his level. It was soothing. Not too far from him would be Fort William, another spot he used to go to when finding himself a home. His life was at rock bottom and here he found himself looking at a stunning scenery of death and nature. If a memory of family...his brother or Lucy to appear...they would fade away. This was his final destination. He would spend eternity here, watching the world grow and shrink. Humanity would excel and fall under his own watchful eye. Was this the thought of Jupiter or Zeus, watching down from Olympus or the sky? Seeing society become a big mess, or a successful item in which made him proud to be one of the developed Apes. But it wasn't like that...Time would never be in his favour. He'd been waiting too long anyway. 21 Years, was a long time to live for him. But 2 of those years in the situations that arose from the ash of tragedy and misfortune, this would be the last. A nice whispering sound of the wind kept him occupied, making sure he didn't go for it right away. He wanted to keep the moment cherished before either she arrived, or he left...He looked to his watch in his mind, recapping the time check. [b]17:37[/b]...Lucy still wasn't here...she had 3 minutes before she missed her chance. Missing a chance to change the course of his life forever...He gave her plenty of time to come speak and calm his nerves. She knew rightly that it was indeed her fault. However, if she didn't accept it...then he was as good as nothing to her. A thought within his thought swept through the mind within his muse. The world around him began to grow light, as if opening eyes to a torch sparking down into your face. [color=6ecff6][i]'If death is a part of Nature...why not just accelerate the process?'[/i][/color] Something slit through his vision. Light rays? Hang on? If he could see these...then...what? A blurred voice began to form in his ears, becoming louder and louder, clearer and clearer. He started to regain his senses, feeling taste in his mouth and touch on his body. There was noise around him, and commotion. Soon it came clear...he wasn't dead? Was he still clinging onto dear life like there was nobody's tomorrow? So many questions about to be answered. He waited, patiently. It was exciting, in a way, seeing light. He could only remember darkness between now and his battle, besides the visions of Ben Nevis. He began to cough, a sense of life. Coughing and spluttering, a hand slipped behind the back of his head; a second found its way behind his spine. They began to lift him upwards into a sitting position. He could feel it. It was uncomfortable. He could feel himself coughing on and on. Wrenching over and over, he felt his eyes snap open in one large instant. His vision came back quicker than he had anticipated. Usually, sound comes at a slow rate...but this was different? He felt like he'd been treated by a God as his pain slowly began to crumble away. His sight was blurry. Although, as quick as his pain had vanished, his sight began to regain conciousness. This was it...Marcus was back. He looked around, seeing a few things. Baring sights down upon him were the two. The white-cloaked man, shimmering with light and hope. To the other side of Marcus, the some Law-Enforcement Sheriff looking girl, armed to the teeth with high-spec goggles and her trusty handguns. Both their charisma stood out clearly to the near-dead survivor. Marcus said nothing, nor made any facial expression at this moment, as he began to scrutinise around for any other signs of death. To his surprise, everyone looked fine and cheery, bar that one girl having a panic attack. Everyone seemed...happy...Death didn't seem to matter to them all. The fact that Marcus had literally died right in front of their eyes didn't phase them. It wasn't a was just like being on Earth again. [color=6ecff6]"U-uhhh..."[/color] He finally spoke, giving a blank expression. He felt ashamed to have come this close to the start and already died. What did this make him? He clearly wasn't cut out for this role nor job. He wanted out, but he couldn't. If he were to go back... [color=6ecff6]"W-what? I...I...shit..."[/color] He brought his knees slowly up to himself. He looked down at his arms to see scars and blood patches slowly fade away with ease. His cape lay on the ground, separate from his attire. He heard mumbles in the close-distance from the other Lunar Soldiers. Nothing word-wise was made out, obviously. He needed to think for himself. He needed Menaphis to explain what had jus- [i]'Menaphis?'[/i] He mused. [i]'Menaphis where are yo-'[/i] A noise of chatter was clearly heard not too far from his awoken corpse. He could see them both. Orb to Orb...Menaphis and the Golden Orb. [color=fff79a]"Seems a bit useless, doesn't he?"[/color] The god-like Orb examined his body from a short-afar. Menaphis wasn't late to retort to his comment. [color=6ecff6]"Not every hero is deemed to be successful straight away. You know what I say...No one makes the First Jump...You should know that for such an [i]'Intelligent'[/i] Guardian..."[/color] [color=fff79a]"Maybe if you hadn't selected your own one, going against the'd be with a better good enough to survive here."[/color] The Golden Orb's voice was more formal than his own Orb. [color=6ecff6]"I'm gonna tell the other Guardians too? Get a whole gang up going on?"[/color] [color=fff79a]"I'm sorry...You gonna crawl into some muddy crater to find another random subject?"[/color] There was a deep silence between the two. Only Marcus seemed to be listening to the pair. [color=fff79a]"And why did you give yourself a name? Mena...Menaphas...Menaphis? Like...What?"[/color] Menaphis slowly fluttered away from the Golden energy. He seemed to sigh deeply. [color=6ecff6]"You gotta play your moves correctly, Marcus. You've got no Regenerative health, at least for large amounts like that, until level 3, my friend."[/color] He said aloud. "You are trying to tell everyone how vulnerable I am?" Marcus implied, standing to his feet. He nodded to Theo for a minute, as he intended on departing from them all. Crowds made him uneasy. It reminded him of the streets at night, under a cold and damp porch roofing. "Cheers..." He flung his cape over his shoulders, clipping it to his back with ease. He shook his legs a few times, making him feel more comfortable with his body healing. It was quite satisfactory the work that had been given to him. Menaphis was soon by his side, looking back at the group. He was about to question Marcus of why he was departing, but it was really his [i]Subject's[/i] decision. As he grabbed his Stetson, he placed it onto his head whilst pacing off. However, something stopped Marcus. A thought. He scattered through opinions to find the right one...He turned slightly, looking at the pair staring at him. He sighed deeply. Marcus needed them more than anything, despite them clearly not needing him. He slowly found his feet dragging himself along the Lunar flooring towards them as he hung his head low. He spoke lowly to them, in a not-so-cheerful voice like everyone was. " anymore room?" He looked away in slight embarrassment. He didn't like it...not one bit.