[quote=@Madly33] (I'm sorry, not sure how to post pictures) Name: [b]Vulcarion Black[/b] Age:20 Race: Nord Weapons:Ebony Daggers, Ebony Bow Apparel: Hood ,Leather chest, Fur leggings, fur boots. Spells (3 max, optional): None Best Skill: Stealth Bio (optional): Vulcarion grew up in a normal Nord family in Falkreath, mother tending to the jobs around the house and father laboring and teaching Vulcarion the art of the sword. His father had high hopes for him to become a warrior in the Legion. High hopes that ended as his life did. Both of Vulcarions parents were murdered in a village raid when he was the age of 12. Vulcarion never fancying the sword and shield began to teach himself the art if assassination, stealth, and marksmanship, growing as his skills did. This was the only way he could see himself avenging his families death. He soon found his place in Whiterun, to seek out the guidance of the champions, to farther his training and seek his revenge. Hobby: Reading, writing, bounty hunting. Other info: Not one to voice his opinion and not much of a talker. Gets the jobs he needs to done. "Eyes on the prey, not the horizont" [/quote] accepted, [img](picture link goes here)[/img] [@Eviledd1984] yeah sure, there is no problem