[b]Name[/b]: Green Orchid (Generally just orchid) [b]Race[/b]: Half-Orc [b]Age[/b]: 26 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Appearance[/b]: [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c5/09/7e/c5097e87a16f4b81ea0655ad6ef4b023.jpg[/img][/center] Orchid has a more human appearance then she does orcish, but her skin tone, dental work, and ears reveal her half-orc heritage. She's been noted to have very strange eyes: her sclera is the same color as her skintone, giving her the impression that she has beady black eyes. However she seems to have no real difficulty seeing, though it's noted that her vision, while sharp, tends to be very focused. She generally has long black hair, though she'll cut or style them however she feels would be appropriate for the situation: Sometimes she makes it into a somewhat attractive style, sometimes she's just cut it short or even bald. She grows her hair fairly quickly as well: It'll only take her a week before it becomes shoulder length, so she'd have to cut it regularly. As for her build Orchid is certainly muscular. She lacks any particular style of build, but she has a very strong core as well as lean and thick arms. Her strongest muscles however are in her legs: They have much more power than her arms do, and are solid enough that she could break blades with them. Orchid is a little over six feet tall standing straight up and weighs 223 pounds, mostly due to muscle mass. Orchid has no tattoos or notable scars despite her martial life style. She actually finds scars to be distasteful and thus always tries to remove them through healing. Her skin is tough however, and has a calloused texture. [b]Clothing/Armor[/b]: Orchid generally has no particular taste for fashion, not to say that she willingly dresses herself in rags: if she has a choice to clothing she'd pick out whatever she'd like, but she won't really care what happens to it afterwards. Generally speaking, she prefers trousers over dresses, though she doesn't mind wearing short skirts that do not restrict her movements too much. Underwear is important to her however, and she'd always be wearing something to keep her unmentionables covered. That being said, she cares very little about shirts: If most people didn't care for decency she'd go without, but otherwise she wears whatever tunic is available for her, or a coat if the weather is particularly chilly. Almost always seen wearing hand-wraps however, tied up to the tips of her fingers. Orchid is not unfamiliar to the weight of armor, from harden leather to full plate. However generally, she keeps only a limited amount in the form of pauldrons, vambraces, and shin guards. Depending on the quality she may opt for body armor as well, but like shirts she tends to discard them as her soonest convenience. She does wear helmets if they're available however. She has a penchant for metal helmets, even if they aren't functional or match whatever attire she is wearing. [b]Weapons[/b]: [i]Composite Bow[/i] - Orchid's most prized possession. A bow made of a combination of animal horn, wood, and sinew laminated together using a unique glue, it's much more durable then it's appearance would imply. More compact than a typical longbow and able to generate as much power, it's Orchid's to-go weapon for any encounter. Even in a melee she can reliably use her bow akin to a staff, and it could withstand even the direct blow of a blade or hammer without a scratch. It may bend, but it'll never break (Or at least Orchid hopes it never does). Orchid has a holster were she can store her bow on her back, which she can also put on a backpack if she has one. [i]Arrows [/i]- Iron-tipped arrows that Orchid crafted herself. Her typical (And current) quiver would be able to hold up to 30 of them. If she needs to replenish them she has molds she can melt bits of metal into for new arrowheads, as well as a bag of feathers she can trim into wings for her arrow shafts. She's capable of using more improvised materials, such as stone, bone, glass, or simply honing the wood into a finer point, though she prefers proper materials whenever possible. Orchid carries the quiver horizontally on her hip, in a special container that allows her to reach it easily as well as shut it in case she needs to pull off some acrobatics. [i]Daggers [/i]- A multipurpose tool and weapon, a straight, double-edge steel blade attached to a leather handle. Actually well balanced for throwing a short distance, though Orchid would only do this for tricks or desperation. She carries two of them, one on her belt and another hidden on her forearm (If she's wearing a shirt with a sleeve at least) or in one of her boots (She she has boots). Otherwise it's also on her belt next to her other dagger. [i]Pick-Axe[/i] - A humble tool more suited for cutting through wood then through a man's skull, but that doesn't mean Orchid can't use it for both purposes. Orchid's Pick Axe also has a small pointed wedge on the opposite side of the splitting maul for piecing, and a reinforced metal pommel for hammering. She also keeps this on her waist, but on the opposite side of her daggers. [i]Staff [/i]- Just a wooden staff Orchid likely carved from some tree branch she found. The tip has a carved slot where she could secure one of her daggers in and turn her staff into a spear. Regardless of it's simplicity however, Orchid can turn the humble piece of wood into a deadly weapon if she has reason to. After all it's basically just a big club, and Orchid can swing a mean club. Generally in Orchid's hand as she has no dedicated plate to put it on her person. [i]Gauntlets[/i] - Just as much armor as they are weapons, Orchid's Gauntlets have spikes on the knuckles and talons on the fingers, allowing her to stab, slash, or bash with her hands. These gauntlets also have the dual benefit of allowing her to grip a blade without cutting herself, which is helpful when she was to break someone's sword or disarm them of it. She wears them on her hands, because duh. [b]Alignment[/b]: Lawful Neutral - Orchid doesn't fight for good or evil, but neither does she go out of her way to be a nuisance. Can occasionally dip into a more Neutral (And potentially Chaotic) Good, as she also doesn't like to follow laws or rules which are made to obviously harm others, such as laws to punish slaves. Still she has a code of honor which she follows, and isn't interested in being a rebel for the sake of it. [b] Skills/Abilities[/b]: [i]Archery [/i]- Growing up a hunter Orchid knows her way around a bow. Her skills are almost supernatural, though it's more like pushing the bounds of realism: She's quite capable of shooting her bow on the move or during feats of acrobatics, and isn't too shabby at horseback archery either. Orchid's accuracy during duress is quite phenomenal, all things considered, as well as the volume of arrows she can put out. Assuming she starts out with the arrows in hand, she can fire off four in under ten seconds. Her accuracy takes a hit of course, but if she's using rapid shots then accuracy was not something she was worried about. [i]Brawling [/i]- Orchid refers to this as brawling instead of martial arts because to her, Orchid's hand-to-hand ability is less art and more martial. While she certainly utilizes complex maneuvers and techniques, it's less of a graceful art form and more like brutal efficiency. Orchid is no strange to relying on nothing but her body to defend herself, so she'll punch, kick, headbutt, and slam her opponents into a bloody mess if they thought she'd be defenseless up close. Orchid herself is quite a grapple and is perhaps most dangerous within arms reach: one she has a hold of you she would begin to crush whatever she's grabbing onto with her bare hands, and then put you into a painful pin or just crush the life out of you. Her kicks have been known to break down solid wooden doors like parchment, and most people's torsos won't fare much better. If Orchid had any skill related to martial arts, it's her disarming ability. She likes to take the weapons out of people's hands and put it into her own, or failing that, sundering them. Breaking shafts is a popular thing she does, though when it comes to blades she has to be more careful. [i]Fletching [/i]- Orchid makes her own arrows and bows as well. While bows generally take her more time and materials to make, Orchid is proud to know that she could quickly replenish her supply of arrows in less than an hour assuming she has everything she needs (improvised or not). Her own skills in archery gives her a unique insight in her crafts, often making arrows or bows in ways that Orchid would want. And while she doesn't really focus on her fletching ability often, she's always interested in learning new ways to make arrows or bows. [i]Spotting [/i]- With keen eyes, sharp ears, and a good scent, Orchid is quite skilled at tracking down others or noticing details that slips by. Assuming she's looking for it; one fault Orchid knows she has is that once she's looking for something, she'll often ignore everything else, including things that may be vital to her safety or what she needs to find. "Tunnel Vision", basically. That being said if she does know what she's looking for, it's only a matter of time before she finds it. [i]Endurance [/i]- To put it simply, Orchid is tough. A combination of her naturally durable body, training, and her own willpower, Orchid survives things that others might not. Where most people would bleed out when they get stabbed in the gut, Orchid just grunts and continues the fight. People would be screaming in agony if their bones are broken, and while Orchid would certainly have a few (or many) choice words, she wouldn't stop just because of it. Eventually if the pain gets too much her senses would just dull until either the threat is stopped, or her body is torn apart. [i]Strength [/i]- Archery is about the only refined martial technique Orchid knows. Everything, including her brawling, is simply an application of her strength. She may be unskilled in other areas, so she makes up for it in raw power. Even with weapons such as knives or swords, she forgoes any notion of techniques and simply applies as much force as she can muster into her blows. Savage as it may be, a slash is still a slash, whether it came from a raging berserker like herself or a master swordsman. Her strength even allows her to do things that most people can't do with techniques (or at least need a lot of skill to do), such as utilizing weapons far greater in size then herself, or breaking things in general. [b]Magic[/b]: Orchid has no magic ability, and for a good reason: Her very body resists magical powers. While certainly not immune (A fireball to the face is going to hurt) Orchid has a supernatural ability to shrug off the effects of magic much the same way she'd shrug off a sword blow: With grit, determination, and a healthy application of "Dodging". This allows Orchid to be able to take notice of more subtle magical effects such as illusions. However this magic resistance is a double-edge sword: Not only is it harder for enemies to affect her with their spells, it's the same for allies as well. Orchid's body has a harder time of reacting to beneficial effects such as healing or strengthening magic. Even enchanted objects would have a lesser effect on her, whether they be cursed or holy. And to put the final nail into the coffin, this ability also prevents Orchid from tapping into her own magical potential, if she even had any to begin with. So amount of learning would allow her to bypass her inability to cast spells, not unless she somehow removes her innate magical resistance. Certain styles of magics can get pass her spell resistance however, such as alchemical magic, or mundane things that are simply caused by magic, like being burned by fire or being hit by a blast of telekinetic force (Like a giant rock). A sufficiently powerful spellcaster could also bypass her spell resistance through the force of their magic alone, though Orchid's magical resistance grows with her: She stronger she becomes the stronger her magic resistance is as well. [b]Backstory[/b]: Green Orchid named herself. Her name came from a mispronunciation of what someone else called her; they said she was a 'Green orc kid", and so she called herself the Green Orchid. The reason her parents never named her was because she never knew who her parents were; she was born and orphan as far as she knew or cared. She was a roaming vagabond for as long as she could remember, getting by through petty thievery. She wasn't longed for the world and she knew it. But she didn't know what else to do; the little girl didn't even know how to speak, let alone survive. That's when she was saved by this lonely old hunter. She had tried to steal a rabbit he got from a hunt, but he was much quicker than she was. The hunter took pity on the little girl however, and adopted her as his daughter. It was from the hunter that Orchid learned how to shoot and bow and make her own arrows. With this old hunter as her adopted father, she was able to get a bit of an education with the local church. And it was there, dealing with other children, she started to learn how to fight. Orchid was the only half-orc in her village, and that brought her a lot of trouble. Nothing she didn't deal with herself of course, and after a lot of fights people learned now to mess with her. That never made her popular, but she wasn't entirely interested in popularity anyways. But she was interested in the world around her. Before she met the hunter she hated the world. No one looked after her, and more often than not they wanted to hurt her. But the Hunter showed her a better side of the world that she didn't know existed. And as she went to school, she learned about things that made the world even more interesting. She learned about something called "heroes". As Orchid grew older, she also grew stronger. That was thanks to the hunter; he always made sure Orchid had a lot of food, and when she was old enough she even went out hunting with him. Though hunting she honed her skills, bow with a bow and with fighting. For her father didn't just hunt for prey; he protected the forests from brigands as well. He made it clear to Orchid that what he was doing was killing people. Bad people, granted, but he wasn't exactly giving them a chance to surrender either. He told her his reasons why he did this, as he knew some of these brigands were actually town folk either down on their luck or bored with the peace and wishing to prey upon others. To orchid, this was what a hero did. Sufficient to say, it jaded her, but she couldn't deny the reason. Because whatever the brigands motivation was that brought them down their path, there was no denying that they have turned to evil. And Orchid, like her father, aimed to stop them. It wasn't long before Orchid became a strong, young woman. By now her father had grown old and wizened, and was not long for the world. He no longer took up the bow as age has made him feeble. Like Orchid, he had no family, but also like Orchid, they had each other. He knew Orchid's desire to see the world and so in his will he sold his properties to provide Orchid whatever meager funding he could provide. Orchid in turn made sure to give the man a funeral, cremating his body and spreading the ashes as he would have wanted. With nothing holder her back, Orchid gathered her gear and set out on her own, seeking adventure in the lands of Waeldeshore.