[center] [b][color=f7941d][h3]Taka Shirokawa[/h3][/color][/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/K0RoI5p.png[/img] [@Ira] Taka looked over at Ira with somewhat of a glare as he said then, in truth, she was actually going to make him pay for it once they were done. This date is only temporary after all, after this, she's consider him an enemy of the guild. She is passionate about her guild, but for her all thinking about this it's due to her personality. Taka noticed that he had asked about her past life, she didn't really remember much of it, due to her being such a young age. But before she could answer, the waiter came and asked what they would like to drink, with Ira replying with drinks for them both. [color=f7941d]"Let me start then. My earliest memories was me on a boat of some kind, I was being carried by a man, and I couldn't really remember anything else about the boat to be honest. Then I was adopted by a fire mage, who truly was a professional at all sorts of fire magic. And that's where I learned my magic, Living Flame. For a while I was an independent mage, searching for jobs to do, but then my father told me to go join a guild. So I said. Why not? And that's where I came to today, I know... it's boring."[/color] Taka sighed as she leaned on the table, putting a hand on her cheek in boredom. [b][color=ed1c24][h3]Alexandre Cross[/h3][/color][/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/pnsWTfe.png[/img] [@Kal-El] [@chukklehed] [@Vongola_Hasayo] [@Eklispe] Alexandre softly smiled back to Damon, starting to follow him out of town with the team, they all seemed very nice, this would be his first job in the guild after all. Which means that Alexandre could possibly show off his magic if he wanted to. Eventually they all had reached a beautiful carriage, one that Alexandre had never seen before in his travels. [color=ed1c24]"These horses... are truly beautiful..."[/color] Alexandre said as he had widened his eyes, he was tempted to pat the horse, but he could possibly go on fire. [/center]