[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ObRDT2r.png[/img] [h2][b][color=moccasin]Tsukiko Umene, Honeybadger[/color][/b][/h2][/center] [hr] Yamato's snide remark wasn't really unexpected but nonetheless unappreciated. Tsukiko gave him a brief but deadly glare before directing her attention to Aoi. Both the younger jonin claimed they hadn't been detected so Tsukiko was going to take their word for it, but not without giving them a warning. [b][color=moccasin]"Always remember, you two, that the greatest threats are the ones you don't see coming,"[/color][/b] she spoke, still not bothering to respond to Yamato's jab at her. Of course she wanted to just wring him by the neck but that was both unprofessional and detrimental to the mission. Speaking of, one of the men in charge of the rebel operation appeared and gave a briefing for the specific job they were taking. Tsukiko wanted to explain their real objective but hadn't the time before he appeared and thus kept her mouth shut. She caught the scroll effortlessly and gave a brief glance of the architecture before stowing it on her belt. [b][color=moccasin]"Simple enough,"[/color][/b] she commented, though she barely had the time to pick her weapons back up before Aoi was out the door and rushing to the deck. Her enthusiasm only earned irritation from her superior, but Tsukiko dismissed it with a sigh as she strapped her weapons to her back again. [b][color=moccasin]"Whatever. Let's head out then,"[/color][/b] she said to Yamato before making her way to the deck in a much more casual pace than Aoi had taken. Once up top she followed the clown girl by jumping onto the water directly and running after her. Indeed it was a much faster mode of travel and it didn't take hardly any time for the Jonin Commander to catch up with Aoi. Rather than speeding ahead of the girl she decided to maintain an identical pace, waiting for Yamato to catch up and join them. Once all three were together she would begin speaking. [b][color=moccasin]"This is our first objective of our mission,"[/color][/b] Tsukiko began to explain. [b][color=moccasin]"As a team our goal is to ensure the success of the rebellion against Kirigakure. This means we aren't going home after blowing up the factory. We're coming right back to those ships, which are serving as a forward operating base. It is likely we will be moving around between tasks."[/color][/b] Now their initial question was finally answered, as to what they were even doing in the Land of Water. [b][color=moccasin]"As for the new guy I am yet to meet him so I don't know much. The rebellion trusts him and so shall we. His life is still less valuable than ours, however. Do not consider him expendable but do not put his life over yours. We will see what he can do when the time comes,"[/color][/b] Tsukiko continued. With Yamato and Aoi as informed as they needed to be for the moment she turned her gaze forward and carried on silently. The team reached shore fairly quickly, being they were shinobi in peak physical condition and all. The journey to Kirigakure itself wasn't exactly a safe one, as the hidden village still had a good amount of defensible territory outside the walls. While rebels constantly plagued the territory it was still ultimately under Kiri control. But Tsukiko was well equipped for avoiding Kiri forces, being that she was able to detect them long before they were in sight. And as such the trio made haste without ever being spotted, though had they actually come across Kiri shinobi it would've been very possible for the team to eliminate them before they could escape. As the team reached the outskirts of Kirigakure they were finally able to witness the warzone itself. The trademark mist of the city was mostly gone, pushed back by the heat of the fires that were raging across the landscape. Clouds of smoke hung over Kirigakure, creating a dark and ominous atmosphere before them. While it seemed at this moment there wasn't any large-scale combat going on it was likely that a skirmish could break out at any time. [b][color=moccasin]"Wait,"[/color][/b] Tsukiko instructed, halting the team's progress. She took a moment to scan over the large city. At the range they were at it was difficult to make out small details such as people in the streets or specific buildings, but Tsukiko was still able to get some kind of bearings on the city layout. [b][color=moccasin]"Beyond this point we need to be in disguise,"[/color][/b] she spoke up after a moment. [b][color=moccasin]"All three of us can't make it through Kiri without being spotted at least once, even with our guide. We'll be recognized as foreigners immediately and gain unwanted attention."[/color][/b] Tsukiko first faced Aoi now. [b][color=moccasin]"Lose the clown getup and try to appear as a little girl. It would be too much to try to make you [i]act[/i] less conspicuous so you might as well just look the role."[/color][/b] Then she pointed to Yamato. [b][color=moccasin]"You'll be her older brother. Act less angry and more depressed. Also lose the armor. Try to look more like a disheartened peasant boy. You're good at not talking so don't change that."[/color][/b] The older woman then made a handseal, creating a puff of smoke around her that quickly dissipated. In her place stood an [i]older[/i] woman that could easily pass off as a [url=http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/9923/557029-screenshot740.jpg]grandma[/url]. [b][color=orchid]"If we appear weak and useless then nobody will care,"[/color][/b] she spoke, notably having a different voice now. Tsukiko trusted the two would come up with suitable disguises and looked back to the village without checking them. [b][color=orchid]"We will meet the guy at the south entrance. He may be in disguise as well. Let's get a move on."[/color][/b]