[quote=@Nightraider] I'll answer here for convenience. That's perfect in regards to the Arcana, fits with my characters background. Thanks for the extra about the currency as well. If you want to, send me whatever you'd like to share in a PM to me and I'll have a look. Like I said, I don't wanna hijack your vision, but I'v been here, done this and gotten the T-shirt. Also, will I post my CS here for approval or just straight into the CS thread with it? [/quote] alright, m'sure i'll get around to doing so at some point! and no worries, the vision is set and ready to rumble; i'm rather opposed to the idea of having it hijacked or derailed...but i suppose that's only on certain points. honestly, though, i've done this kind of thing a fair amount myself...just not around these parts. glad it fits with the background you have planned~ edit; just noticed that last bit. go ahead and post it in the character section. if i have qualms, i'll take it up with you privately. if not, you'll get a like~