[color=8882be][i]Eros managed to not topple, only by bracing himself against the edge of the table, as Raven beat his back. As Raven sat and chatted, Eros became very painfully aware of the noise beyond the party. Though he wasn't entirely certain it was anything more than the drink getting to him until Raven commented on it, and Tanneth's expression stated that she had heard it as well. Great, that wasn't a good sound... Eros could feel it, more than anything else, but he knew it bore ill tidings to all who heard it. Dread further filled him as he realized that his weapons were in town, safely kept from thieving hands in his room at the prancing pony, and incidentally well out of his own reach as well. If he survived this night, he swore he'd never let his weapons pass beyond his reach again. But for now, he needed less drunk, and he needed it now... Grimacing, he adopted his grandfather's favorite method of sobering drunks, sudden and intense pain. Still leaning on the end of the table as everyone else rose and started towards the mayor's table, he picked up an empty tankard, and slammed it down onto his left hand. Well, he tried to anyway, he really only hit his ring and pinkie fingers, which was probably for the better all things considered. The pain did it's job quite well, turning into a constant dull throb that forced his mind from it's drunken stupor. Eros hurried to catch up with the others, reaching them as they departed the mayor's table. Following Raven, with throbbing fingers, but a surprisingly sharp mind all things considered, he had no difficulty hunkering down in clump of trees and waiting for the riders to pass. They were ill news, and he knew his best chance of surviving the night, would be to get as far away from them as possible. But he wasn't a coward, and he wouldn't tolerate anyone calling him one either, still, between his drunkenness, pain, and terror, he managed to sit still and await further orders. Armed and armored in little more than a steak knife and woolen tunic and trousers, he was not looking forward to the fight he now believed to imminent.[/i][/color]