[center][h3][color=FFA500]Hyacinthus Trivett[/color][/h3] [sub][i]Image belongs to [url=http://criedwolves.tumblr.com/]Criedwolves[/url][/i][/sub] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/aQjLGOq.jpg[/IMG] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] On The Steps of the Entrance Hall [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Johnson Leeds [@HushedWhispers] & Elize Vanzant [@Aspen Wren][/center][hr][hr] [color=FFA500]"Yeah, it is. Although I like sunrises more, specially in days when the sky is clear save for a couple of small clouds. The world looks like an impressionist painting in those moments. Besides, sunrise means that a new day is starting, and I like days more than nights."[/color] The string of sentences escaped from Hyacinthus' lips without much thought, his voice growing calmer and calmer as he settled into contemplation. He smiled his warmest, widest smile at Johnson, squirming a bit on the steps as his nerves continued to unravel like self-untying knots. That Johnson did not return his smile stung a little bit, as did the swift loss of the handsome Ravenclaw's attention when the president of Hyacinthus' Herbology Club unexpectedly appeared once more. Wont as she was to deprecating herself, she had an undeniable grace, made all the more visible when she began to dance on her own. [color=FFA500]"Madam President, anybody would be lucky to dance with you at the Ball."[/color] He commented with sincere laughter in his voice. The thought of asking her himself crossed his mind, but it was gone as soon as it appeared. As much as he wanted to make her happy by being true to his word, Johnson Leeds was right there. Elize's motions had captivated him enough to almost forget Johnson's question, and the unique opportunity it entailed. But when he remembered it, Hyacinthus Trivett did not miss a beat, and spoke with a firm confidence that, he thought, would have made his father proud. [color=FFA500]"Actually, I want to attend the Ball with you, Johnson."[/color] He stated almost matter-of-factly, still very much smiling, his eyes unwavering and his nose held up high. He restrained the desire to say more, to let himself release another string of sentences and lose himself in tangents, to make a case for the two of them going to the Ball together. He found his inner discipline and used it, if only for this moment.