Rosa was half awake at this point. She had just gotten up thanks to slightly accelerated healing. She had taken ALOT of damage, she was meant to take damage of course. However the issues was she never knew when she took too much damage. When she looked over at the dragon she came a realization that she had attacked it. She didn't have much control in her berserker mode, however it was something that she really enjoyed. "Oh, right you. Listen I'm really sorry about attacking you and your dragon. I seem to not have much control when I'm in Berserker mode." Rosa said scratching the back of her head. Her baseball bat now hanging on her back in what seemed to be a sheath of some kind. [@Leslie Hall] Lance in the meantime just stood next to Rosa for a bit, atleast untill he saw the one who called himself come towards him. Lance smiled and undid his helmet before walking towards him. "Nice to see your out of your funk!" Lance said with a smile while waving at him. "I would be glad to have you! Of course Rosa would be happier to punch you in the face for leaving, but that's just her." Lance said smiling at Marcus. Rosa turned her head at hearing this. "I heard that!" Rosa yelled to the two. [@LetMeDoStuff]