After traveling through the old ruins underneath Castle Town, Caelan, Regol, and Link popped up in an alleyway. The air was filled with loud sounds of talking, dogs barking, and music, just like any other normal day in Castle Town. After exiting the alley way they found themselves in a somewhat larger alleyway surrounded by large circus tents and performers. Many people surrounded the area in funny looking costumes, children ran about and giggled and adults shared chuckles between groups. Things were indeed very lively for how much stuff was happening surrounding the Templar's, but then again it was all happening outside the walls and Thallus had more than likely installed safety barriers to keep any info of what was going on in the world outside the walls. A brilliant tactic nonetheless, if people were happy then there was no need to use force, a tyrant who came off as a loving ruler. Regol pulled out a piece of paper that showed where they had to go to meet fellow sympathizers to get supplies. It seemed if he was reading the map correctly it was somewhat across town, in the Southeast part of Castle Town's markets. The Southeast markets were a hub for traveling merchants of all kinds, weapons, potions, armor, even enchanted items if you visited the market at the right time. Seems like the shop they were going to sold masks, masks of all kinds and welcomed all to bring and trade masks of their own.