One of the Black Riders demoniac horses came to a sudden stop, its front hooves lifting from the ground as it kicked up a cloud of dirt that hung in the air. The grotesque horse whipped its head to the direction of the forest and stared with pupils crimson eyes into the darkness as if it could see right through the trees and ground cover that hid Raven and the rest of his fellowship. When the Horses breathing increased dramatically, the same unsettling high-pitched wail echoed through the forest. Raven did not feel a physical pain but one that seemed to come from deep down in his soul that filled him with terror and hopelessness of the likes he had never experienced before. The Black Rider looked forward once more into the distance, in the direction of Bree then rode off with unnatural speed, the rest of The Nine keeping pace. Moving his head around the tree very slowly and carefully, Raven observed the Black Riders as she seemed to vanish into the mists down the road, all sign of them vanishing along with the silence that had taken over the land. A feeling of dread remained in their wake once they had vanished, [color=00aeef]“I have no doubt in my mind now that those were indeed the Nine, they were heading in the direction of Breetown. What could they want with the people of Bree?”[/color] Raven ran a couple possibilities through his head as he now walked through the misty forest that had the cool breeze return to it. Reaming silent for the cautious walk back to Breetown, Raven kept his eyes and ears open, looking and listening for anything peculiar or out of place within the forest. From what he had read of the Nine, they had been nine great kings of men, they were all given rings of power but the rings turned them into slaves of Saruon, and later they became his chief lieutenants once he forged a new ring, a ring to rule them all. [color=00aeef]“The one ring…”[/color] Raven said to himself. [color=00aeef]“That is what they must be searching for, the one ring that the Dark Lord himself wielded.”[/color] Raven stopped and bent over for a moment to regain himself after revelation. [color=00aeef]“If the Black Riders are hunting down the one who carries the one ring, that means he who cannot be named has returned, the Dark Lord himself.”[/color] There was a pause before Raven once again started to move towards Bree, but this time sprinting. He could see Bree now in the distance, and pushed himself to run down the front gate and gates men that had been trampled by large hooves. Sliding to a stop, he turned around and noticed the group of people that had formed around the gate with the rest of the guards who were alive [color=00aeef]“Who did this guardsmen? What did you see?”[/color] asked Raven while grabbing onto one of them who seemed to be in a state of shock. [color=00aeef]“Tell me!”[/color] The man covered his face with both his hands and said [color=ed1c24]“Black riders, they came right through the gate and trampled the other guardsmen. The rode horses not of this earth, draped in all black and an ill feeling of decay surrounded them, I saw them head down towards the Prancing Pony then vanish as if merely an illusion.”[/color] Raven quickly turned and ran towards the Prancing Pony, ordering his fellowship to follow him. Once there, he kicked open the front door and found the tavern to be empty on the first floor for all but one man, Butterbur. “They left already!” Butterbur explained pushing Raven out the door and then moving heavy objects in front of it. [color=fff200]“They went east, leave me alone!”[/color] Raven turned back to his fellowship and shrugged. [color=00aeef]“All of you own a horse, correct?”[/color] asked Raven before he heard something or someone walk out of the shadows behind him. [color=0072bc]“I am going to assume you that you saw the Black Riders as well hmm?”[/color] A man in dark grey robes kept his face hidden but talked in what could almost be called a cheery voice, strange for the current situation they were in. [color=00aeef]"We have indeed, who are you? Do you know where the nine and headed and what they are looking for?”[/color] asked Raven, still holding onto the hilt of his longsword. [color=0072bc]“I may know where they are headed, but it is not where anyone sane or looking to be a hero would head. The fires of Mount Doom burn once more, a dark shadow has been cast upon the land and the dead rise to carry out the masters will.”[/color] He would pause and look over the fellowship before nodding his head with approval. [color=0072bc]“I have heard of your deeds Raven and company, perhaps you would be interested in assisting me?” [/color]Raven nodded his head, [color=0072bc]“Very good, but I’m afraid there is a high chance that none of you will make it back alive. The ring bearer heads south west with his own fellowship to destroy the ring of power but for you…”[/color] The old man would stand and think of a moment before laughing softly to himself. [color=0072bc]“You clearly can fight and are quite talented at it. There is a war in the north as well, but you will take the south eastern paths that lead into the mountains and lands beyond.”[/color] The man handed Raven a map then tipped his hat at him before vanishing back into the shadows. [color=0072bc]“I wish all of you luck Master Mythian from Gondor, remember that I will be watching so will others who are not so friendly. The forces of evil are working against you now, make hate and leave Bree as soon as possible. Your map will give you information on what will come next.”[/color] With those last words, the old man vanished into the shadows of the night. Opening the map, Raven studied its contents before folding it back up and placing it inside of one of his bags. [color=00aeef]“I know some of you would rather stay behind and help protect the town from further danger but what is on this map shows that if the strong do not do their part, the world could be last to the Dark Lord. He has risen once more and builds armies in the south east that gather for global domination and then our extermination. For those who wish to join me, gather all of your equipment, armaments and anything else you may need for a year’s length journey at least. We will be leaving at the first light of dawn by the east entrance of Breeland.” [/color] Turning around, Raven pushed as hard as he could to get the furniture out of the way of the doorway so he could enter. [color=fff200]“Fine fine! You may enter, I heard everything I think, you may stay at my Inn for no charge tonight but you must leave in the early morning and be gone!”[/color] Raven nodded his head at Butterbur, [color=00aeef]“Thank you, we appreciate it, don’t we my friends?”[/color] asked the fellowships leader. Walking over to stairway, he climbed the stairs before picking an empty room and laying down all of his gear then heading downstairs once more. Pulling a table over to him, he sat out a large number of chairs by the fireplace and took a seat, laying the map down upon it for all to see. Calling his fellowship over, he laid the map down upon the hard wooden surface of the table and quickly pointed at their route. [color=00aeef]“We are heading southeast from Bree, we will pass through the Lone Lands and stay off the road at all times. Once outside of the Lone Lands, our trail brings us to the Troll Shaws, we will pass through this area during the day and avoid any dark areas. Then a visit will be made at Rivendell, I will need Thanneth to help us move through the lands and perhaps rest and rejuvenate there. The river leads down through the misty mountains and to Eregion." [/color] [color=00aeef]"We will past Gwingris and continue through the lands Eregion until arriving at the walls of Moria. Depending on how the lands condition is, we may have to pass through Moria to arrive at Rohan. From Rohan we move to Gondor then…”[/color] Raven would cough lightly and tap his finger on top of the last place they ever wanted to be.[color=00aeef] “[b]Mordor[/b]…that is the general path that has been recommended to us, if there is trouble and knowing us there will be, there may have to be a couple changes made. As for now, I will answer any questions you all may have about tomorrow." [/color]