[center][b][color=2F4F4F][h2]Daisuke Yama[/h2][/color][/b] [IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/2m6wff7.jpg[/IMG][/center] [@j8cob][@Partisan] [hr] Daisuke’s entire body tightened as he felt a hand hit his back. However once he connected the voice to the person he relaxed, turning to address the first member of his team, Shin, to arrive. [color=2F4F4F]”It is good to see that you made it here in one piece, I was a bit concerned when I left the village. Fortunately it would appear that my worry was misplaced.”[/color] He paused for a moment as he noticed the looks a few of the nearby rebels were giving his comrade. It took him a second to realize the cause, but it became apparent when he recalled the words Shin had spoken upon his arrival. [color=2F4F4F]”By the way while I have no issue with a bit of humor I would like you to take it down a notch. At least when we are with the rebels. They are fighting for what they believe is right as well as their lives, and you joking around may lead them to conclude that we don’t know how serious this is. So when we are out and about feel free to be yourself. Just try to contain it otherwise.”[/color] The last part of the conversation left a sour taste in Daisuke’s mouth. He was not used to telling people how to behave and it was unsettling to do so. Nonetheless he could feel the tension that filled the warehouse and he did not want to cause an incident in response to what could be perceived as misplaced humor. He knew that the mission and wellbeing of his team was his responsibility, and if that meant he had to take some heat from them later for monitoring their actions he would gladly do so. Any discontentment and worry were forced away though with the arrival of two individuals approaching from different directions. The first to arrive was Saburo, the final member of the team, who was naturally coming from the entrance. While the Uchiha’s greeting was a bit strange Daisuke didn’t think too much into it. He had been briefed on both members of his team and had been warned that Saburo had a few personality quirks. Daisuke returned the greeting, resisting the urge to breathe a sigh of relief that the entire team had made it without any problems. [color=2F4F4F]”Hey there, I am glad you made it alright. As for our objective I think we will be getting our first assignment soon. I believe the gentleman walking this way is in charge of this camp. From what I gathered during the mission briefing we are to do whatever we can to assist the rebels in their cause and we won’t be returning until they are victorious.”[/color] Daisuke turned away from Saburo as he finished speaking, just in time to face a man that was much shorter than either him or Shin. The greeting he was about to give got cut short as the man instantly started speaking. “The name is Tento and by the looks of it you are the team that we have been waiting for. I would love to give you a tour of the place but we have a lot of work to do and it needs to get done. Follow me.” The man quickly began making his way in the direction he had come from with Daisuke a few feet behind, he presumed that the other members of the team were close behind. As he walked Tento continued to speak, though his voice was muffled slightly due to the large amount of people in the warehouse with them. “The Mizukage’s forces have been trying to make headway into area under our control. So far they have only managed to take one building, just inside our territory. Normally this wouldn’t be a problem, after all there is a reason that they have only taken the one place, but they have a pair of Jounin guarding the place. I have already lost half a dozen good men to them.” Tento’s speech was momentarily broken as he lead them inside one of the few rooms that was still intact. Within their was a few pieces of furniture, but the only thing of note was the large table that dominated the center of the room and the map that was placed on it. That is where the group was led and as he reached it Tento placed a finger on a particular building marked on it. “The building only has one doorway, though there are plenty of windows. The problem we have been having is that one or both of the Jounin notice us when we are trying to enter. What I need you guys to do is distract them, I don’t care how and I don’t care if you beat them. We just need enough time to get in and deal with anyone inside. After that we will take them by surprise and attack from the building. I can give you guys an hour max to figure out a plan. That’s the most I can do. When you are ready let the man stationed outside the door know, I have to make sure my men are prepared.” With that Tento departed, the team alone. Daisuke didn't want to waste any time, and as such he turned towards Shin and Saburo. [color=2F4F4F]”Alright let's get to it. I know I am the lead on this mission but honestly that is a formality. We are all the same rank and it is likely you two have more field experience than me at the moment. Not to mention you guys have a better understanding of how you work than me, since all I have to go off of is the briefing I got. So I want your opinions on this. I am most useful as a front man, and as such I think I should go in head on. I can take a beating and give it right back.”[/color] For a moment he paused, flashing back to the spar he had with Chokashi Akimichi just a couple of weeks ago, before he shook his head a bit and resumed. [color=2F4F4F]”Shin going by what I read and the look of you I am guessing you would be most useful right up there with me. Which is good, because it is always nice to have someone at your side when you are facing more experienced shinobi. Saburo though I am not sure where you would serve best. My instincts tell me that you should keep your distance and use your ninjutsu to harass them whenever you have an opening, but between the fact that both Shin and I will be up close and the nearby buildings I am not sure if that is for the best. What do you guys think?”[/color]