[center][h3][color=fff200]Thomas Creviki[/color][/h3] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Hogwarts Great Hall [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Madison [@HushedWhispers] [/center][hr][hr] Thomas snorted at his friend's language, then laughed at her own horrified reaction to her swearing, covering his mouth with his hand as he temporarily forgot he was still chewing some dinner. She swallowed it quickly and returned Madison's nod with a slightly feral grin as she shot down Lucas's comments about Quidditch tactics. He was looking forward to flying again - the chaotic, fast-paced battle that was a tense game. He'd tried muggle sports before, even joining a local rugby team over the summer, but it just hadn't held his fascination the way Quidditch had. He looked over at his friend as she gave him a meaningful nudge and a wink as she asked him who he was planning to take to the ball. He knew Madison tended to low-level flirt as a matter of course, but even he wasn't that oblivious as to miss the hint. Too be honest he hadn't really thought about it, figuring he had some time - but if Madison wanted to go with him... For a second he tried to think of a clever line or quip, but nothing came to mind. [color=fff200]"I was thinking of asking you actually"[/color] he said, [color=fff200]"If you don't mind?"[/color] He'd have to fish his fancy clothes out of the bottom of his trunk. He wasn't sure if they entirely fit anymore, but he was plenty proficient enough with charms and transifguration to make any adjustments he needed. He was pretty sure actually that he'd end up as the de-facto head of the Transfiguration club if no one else was interested in the position.