When someone in an RP is pissing you off for whatever reason but you are too nice to say anything about it. I hate being nice a lot of the time as it gets me no where. So I have to come here and bitch, yet it does not completely go away as a few hours later I am back doing this shit again. I feel like a bunch of old Linkin Park tracks from Hybrid Theory/Meteora, I am all pent up. I miss the old guild, I did not have these problems much but I guess I will just have to deal with it. Next...... This is an unreal RP, does fantasy and sci-fi not mean anything to you. A lot of logic is gone, only the basic types of logic still exist like not being able to breathe in space, being shot can (Not will) kill you, being tired, etc. How can you be logical when a xeno of some type that doesn't exist it trying to either kill or take you to their ship.