[hider=Brook][hider=Appearance][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/vGNjjfz.jpg[/IMG][/hider] (no those ain't cat ears, it's just a hood fam) [b]Name:[/b] Brooklyn Hanako Dodger [b]Nickname/Alias:[/b] Brook [b]Magic Name:[/b] Caritas428, "He who steals shall steal no longer" [b]Position:[/b] None [b]Faction:[/b] None [b]Seat Number:[/b] 17 [b]Nationality:[/b] Japanese-American [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Blood Type:[/b] A+ [b]Biography:[/b] Brook doesn't exactly come from magic stock - or religious stock, either. Her dad lived in Los Angeles, the newest patriarch of a family with California money so old that the young girl would be hard-pressed to even name how their ancestors had made their fortune. The city lifestyle that the Dodgers had made their wealth in suited Brooklyn more than fine, but her mother had been a Japanese immigrant who'd moved to California expecting quiet beaches, palm trees outside the back window, and a place to drive a convertible around in peace. As the years rolled on, and it was clear that Brook's dad remained entrenched in California, this had its toll on the marriage. Brooklyn, for her part, spent much of her childhood as the unwitting glue that kept them stuck in LA - which was ironic, considering that for her part the girl had grown up with a bug for travel. From her mother's stories about the city life in Japan she'd left behind, she thought it sounded pretty much like California, but since it was on the other side of the world it meant [i]adventure![/i] She visited several times with her mother before the age of thirteen (each stay lasting longer and longer in duration), where she finally settled down again to complete middle school in America, where she knew more people. That wasn't to remain the status quo for long, though. The girl's other bug, besides one for adventure, was one for [i]magic.[/i] Growing up in the heyday of Harry Potter and of the firm religious belief that 'oh man the old people in the Lord of the Rings were the coolest! The ones with the loooong long hair with the sticks!', Brook had always been fascinated with the idea that something as simple as a [s]stick[/s] staff that could change the world around her. She asked for magicians at every birthday party, learned card and coin tricks so that she could 'get better and better,' until to her chagrin around age 11 she realized that only British people got to go to Hogwarts and get Sorted. By then, however, she had reached the age where she had started to grow out of things like tooth fairies, cutting deals with chocolate-shilling rabbits, baking cookies for Santa...and yes, even the idea of magic. So she had a relatively ordinary middle school experience, broken only by another summer vacation to Japan with her mother before her ninth grade year. Surprisingly enough, it was one of the street magicians she'd finally written off as con men that helped her realize what people were capable of. Excited by his display of control over fire and her bottle of water, she asked the obvious question - 'So how do I have to wave my hand to do all this stuff?' He let the young girl screw around with her wrists for a few minutes before (for a paltry price, in the long run) he taught her the essence behind basic runic magic. Excited, she ran home and gave it a go, but her first attempts were just as paltry as the money she'd spent on lessons, and her summer devolved into scouring Osaka for any little artifact shop or magic store that she could find. On one instance, she struck gold - learning that the magic [s]sticks[/s] staves and wands that she'd grown up wishing for weren't even necessary. All she needed to channel her magic was an item that every little girl from California used to dig herself out of the womb - [i]A smartphone![/i] But when she attempted to channel fire from her phone, it went about as well as one would expect, and only a screen protector of the first caliber saved her phone from being a melted slag of circuitry. The last three weeks of her summer vacation went into desperately looking for workarounds, until one day when listening to music she attempted a basic aerokinesis spell while listening forlornly to Bon Iver. And promptly launched her suitcase through the window of their suite. [i]YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS[/i] Tinkering with her playlists slightly, Brook found that with the added push of music - an intimately human force that can be as mysterious and ethereal as magic - her spells took on new life and intensity, with certain of her spells corresponding to genre and displaying power she'd never seen in anyone she'd gone to for help. Between her MP3 player and smartphone, she had two Silicon Valley-era [s]sticks[/s] wands for use on her person at all times to boot! It was [i]perfect![/i] Brook's gut feeling told her to go back to America and show her friends, but as most of her magic training had inadvertently occurred in Japan, she decided to stay and see what else she could pick up before returning home. Her dad was relatively understanding, but her mom's deep unhappiness with the city had been what drove her to California in the first place, and she stayed long enough to help set Brooklyn up at Hybrid Academy before heading back, reluctantly, to America. Now she's on her own for the first time in her life, and excited to see what else she can pick up. [b]Personality:[/b] Brook's a bit of a naive girl. Loyal, trusting, and talkative, she's guilty of a first degree count of not really knowing how the world works, and her wide-eyed enthusiasm for conversations on anything about anything only solidifies this first impression. This attitude extends to magic, which has always fascinated her on an innate level - even if her perception of it as a child was 'holy crap [i]how did you make that coin go away and behind my EAR!?[/i]' and not the basic four elements. Espers, churches, and Gemstones have spent much of their life beyond her worldview, and she's not altogether incorporated them into that worldview yet. This accidental ignorance was a large driving factor in her enrollment in Hybrid Academy. Despite her lack of knowledge about the arcane, she's not altogether unintelligent; in fact, spending much of her live in the American west, Brook was once described (admittedly, in a Facebook quiz) as the General Patton of street smarts. She's very social and dinner dates with friends are at the top of her list for 'best things on the planet.' Her cluelessness only extends to the scope of the world that she lives in, which, hey, is why she's going to school for it, right? [b]Likes:[/b] -Guitar -Video Games -Burgers -Subs -Technology -Traynor -Karmic retribution [b]Dislikes:[/b] -Conflict -Escaping one's karma -Avarice -Turkey -Wolves -STEEEVE -Filthy DUBS [b]Skills:[/b] A skilled cuddler, musician [guitarmonica queen], and known delinquent – has been charged with 42 counts of domestic abuse against her snooze alarm in the past year alone. Maxes out thief archetypes in role-playing games [ironically loathes mages, who are assholes in bathrobes who need to learn what launching a fireball really entails], sniper qt in twitch shooters, and could probably carry a team in Rock Band if she had her arm twisted. Above-average chef; specialized at home in making sandwiches, pouring bowls of cheese crackers, and calling for pizza. Traditionally a jack of all trades when it comes to her magic thanks to her use of channel and understanding , but she's attempting to branch out. [b]Magic:[/b] As detailed in her biography, Brooklyn's spells are at their most considerable power level when she is listening to music that, to her, accurately calls to mind images of that power. As she's only been practicing for a brief period of her life, thus far this knowledge is restrained to the four classical Western elements. In addition, given the defined length of all songs, she is only able to cast up to two spells per each song, and must quickly shuffle her playlist to land on another song if she wants to continue casting. [i]Current # of Spells: [b]11[/b][/i] [hider=Brook's Playlists] [u][b]My Mixtape Is... (Fire)[/b][/u] Corresponding to hip-hop and 90s rap, Brook's most used repertoire is her playlist of fire spells. Typically used for pure offense, though she's started work in the defensive capabilities of the playlist. [b]East Coast -[/b] Creates three fist-sized fireballs in quick succession, fired either from Brook's hand or from skyward, above the target. [b]West Coast -[/b] In contrast to a three round burst of fireballs, this subgenre produces a long, streaming tongue of flame directly from an object Brook chooses to channel from. This stream can last, hypothetically, as long as whatever she can hold what note she uses to cast with. [b]Southern -[/b] A rare defensive fire spell, this subgenre creates a protective ring of fire around Brook that can extend to five feet around her and any allies. However, it's clearly still fire, and can only burn on certain surfaces, so too much distraction on Brook's part can remove the fire from magical control and cause it to peter out on, say, a tile surface. [u][b]Music To Get Wet To (Water)[/b][/u] Comprising largely of R&B, soul, and pop, this spells are much less offensively oriented, tending towards things such as healing, or mild diversionary tactics. [b]Pop[/b] - Pop music, ironically enough, helps to clear Brook's senses and enables her a song's length worth of heightened peripheral vision, hearing, and quickness of movement. [b]R&B[/b] - Allows Brook to create a light-to-moderate rain. A moderate rain can draw up most of the song's energy, so creating one that is to the extent of her abilities will mean that she can't produce much more than droplets with her second rain. However, this can also be used effectively vice versa, tricking opponents into thinking Brook has no ability with water magic before promptly soaking them and sending water scrambling into someone's eyes. [b]Soul[/b] - Allows Brook to heal up to two moderate external wounds per song. This spell can be used on the same person, or even on Brook herself, but not back to back. [u][b]Come Fly With Me~! (Air)[/b][/u] Consisting of mild electronic music and lo-fi, her air spells are broad in definition but low in usage; this is her wild card playlist. [b]Electronic[/b] - Allows Brook to go invisible in the amount of time between two bass drops. She will still, however, emit sound; this is purely a visual illusion. [b]Lo-fi[/b] - Creates winds equal to that of about 50 mph for the length of a quarter of a song (around :45 - 1:00, thereabouts) [u][b]All My Hexes Live In Texas (Earth)[/b][/u] Though her largest current spectrum by far, encompassing everything from acoustic music to country with a range of offense and defense, Brook has the least amount of experience with these spells. This is the playlist she needs the most practice with. [b]Acoustic[/b] - This subgenre allows Brook to create a centralized, 2.0 Richter scale earthquake with her at its epicenter, for up to fifteen seconds. [b]Classic Rock[/b] - Allows Brook to launch up to four torso-sized rocks at an opponent - however, this spell is unique in that these rocks do not have to be thrown all at once, and can be reserved as long as necessary until the end of the song. The drawback to this ability to sit on "ammo," however, is that this is also the subgenre Brook has only just discovered for herself, so this spell can only be cast one time per song. [b]Country[/b] - A defensive spell similar to Southern Rap in her fire playlist, this creates rock outcroppings up to four feet high around Brook to create centralized cover. However, under duress or in case of broken concentration, these rocks will start to show fissures and erode easily under attack.[/hider][/hider]