[@Roecoon] "Ah, how very kind of you. Now perhaps you would be so gracious as to allow me to sign in return?" Neven questioned, his pen at the ready. He wondered how many people here actually knew how to dance. Of course he had been taught from a young age, but he didn't know if these humans had a similarly refined education. Well he'd find out quick enough, hopefully not to the chagrin of his toes. Of course this dance might feature some strange human dances that he had no idea how to preform. Neven had once heard that humans often did 'square-dancing', a strange name for a dance if he'd ever heard one. Out of the corner of his eyes he noted the one in the red and gold dress talking to the one with the toy flames. It appeared they were making some sort of deal. Mildly interesting, perhaps he would ask her about it later.