He had rejoined the group shortly after they arrived at The Prancing Pony. The nine were moving with a quickness that should worry any man. He stayed on the outskirts of the group. His leader began to speak with a man in the shadows, an older man. He dropped a great deal of information that both confirmed and worried him. In all his days he had seen some horrible things, but none of them could hold a candle to the darkness that was surely to fall upon middle earth. All of his gear was packed into his saddle, he usually prefer to travel by foot but on a gut feeling he'd purchased a horse and saddle on his way into Bree before joining the group. As Raven layed the plan down he ran their course through his mind. Moria worried him, he hoped that there was another way. The white wizard Saruman also popped into his mind. It would be close to Rohan and could benefit the group by seeking his council. Aethidos spoke when there was a break in conversation. With a step forward he spoke. [i][color=f26522]"We could also visit the white wizard Saruman. I'm sure his council would be invaluable."[/color][/i] He paused his voice was rough and deep. [i][color=f26522]"We could also travel south staying off the road, and avoid the mountains all together, it wouldn't extend our travels more than a day or two, especially on horse back."[/color][/i]