[center][img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/27c5/f/2012/127/a/f/doomsday_by_demitrybelmont-d4yvlp9.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Apocalypse Age: Unknown Species: Doomsday Clone Gender: n/a Personality: Apocalypse is a creature of cruel animal cunning, capable of speech but often preferring brutal grunts and roars. It was originally created to overtake Doomsday, and as such has an unending ambition and lust for power. He wishes to use his evolution, as well as any other means, to become the most powerful being in the multiverse, finally overtaking his 'parent'. Bio: Originally created to overtake and defeat the original Doomsday, Batman developed Apocalypse in secret using a combination of Doomsday's DNA and his own DNA. The goal was to create a superhero able to fight on par with Doomsday and Superman, with the strong sense of justice possessed by Batman. The result was a failure, however, as Apocalypse had inherited only part of Doomsday's strength. He further had not inherited Batman's sense of justice, but rather some of his cunning. The resulting creature was a petty, ambitious creature of immense destructive power. Abilities: [Superhuman Physique] Apocalypse isn't as powerful as Doomsday, but his physique is still incredibly powerful. He can move faster than the speed of sound, and is strong enough to lift and throw buildings with ease. His skin is far harder than steel, able to withstand anti-tank weaponry, and his spines are incredibly sharp. He further has rapid regeneration, as his body rebuilds itself whenever it's damaged. This occurs quite rapidly, and wounds that would be lethal to other being fix themselves in a matter of minutes. [Adaptation] Whenever Doomsday is 'killed', his body enters a kind of healing coma. It can rebuild itself from almost any state, and the revived Doomsday will have adapted to whatever last killed him. Whilst he cannot become immune to brute force, he can gain many new abilities through this process, and his base strength and speed will also be significantly increased. He's also able to adapting during battle to become more resistant to particular types of energy, or even to gain new abilities. However, as he's fairly new, he does not yet have these abilities. Universe of Origin: DC (heavily edited)