I'm going to go ahead and post my CS so people can look at him and do the relation sheet for 'em :) [hider=Innis Malla] [center] [b]Name[/b] Innis Malla [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Appearance[/b] Innis has a casual style of dress that would be expected from an individual of his age (simple graphic tee's and shorts), but is also more than capable of dressing in an impressively sharp manner when the situation necessitates. He has fair skin as he abhors activities that cause him to be exposed to dirt or other forms of filth, thus spends little time outdoors or engaged in particularly physical activities. This leaves him with a fairly light build, below average strength for his age group, and slightly stunted vertical growth. He stands at 5'4" and weighs in at roughly 90 pounds when wet while wearing boots. He has an angled and attractive face that gives the correct impression of intelligence (not to be mistaken for maturity), and has black hair that's relatively long, just shy of being able to impede his vision. His eyes are a deep, featureless brown that's dark to the point of nearing black, but has an unusually hard and defined limbal ring encircling the iris. He has an attractive, thin smile that nicely matches his girlish button nose, and a thin nebula of light freckles splayed across his noses bridge and out to his cheek bones. His body is lithe and balanced, and would appear to be capable of some impressive acts of agility and grace, which is reinforced by the way he moves and holds himself; smooth, low energy, and purposeful. Matching many of his physical features, his voice is smooth and pleasing to listen to, though his voice training allows him to sound like anyone he wants, assuming he can reach the octave needed to do so. this, in practice, limits him to other young boys and the vast majority of females [b]Age[/b] 15 [b]Occupation[/b] Sound tech/Vocalist [b]Astrological sign[/b] Scorpio [b]When did you arrive?[/b] tenth [b]Personality[/b] Innis is eternally cheerful, a bit flighty, and nearly always smiling. His early exposure to music production translates directly into a joy for song and dance, and he prefers the electronic heavy style of his parents. He has a tendency to daydream, causing some of his school work to suffer, but he does decent enough. History: Innis was the son of a pair of musicians that never quite reached mainstream culture, but still earned enough to live quite comfortably. While not outstandingly talented himself, His parents have been giving him extensive voice training, and have allowed him to make an appearance in a few of their singles as harmony. When not behind a mic, Innis can be found manning the soundboard and occasionally keyboard while his parents perform. Innis's family home was among the larger ones in his rural town, with two stories, bright white paint, plenty of land, and a sound insulated recording studio in the basement. The family lived in this town for about a year. The family moved into the countryside for the freedom and atmosphere it provided, as well as keeping their instrumental practice away from complaining neighbors. At first his parents home schooled him, but eventually relented to the boy's need to be social, and unleashed the hyperactive child on the local school system. His social charm quickly matched his peers; true to his sign, he does well in the lime light, and his passion coupled with his learned talents allowed him to step into it rather frequently. Innis's perfect life came to a violent, crushing end when his family was caught up in a terror attack on French soil while visiting Paris. The attack itself was a bomb planted in a Jewish shop that they were visiting to procure some less basic necessities (Guitar stings). The child survived the attack with minor injuries, due to the fact that the small crowd of adults around him absorbed most of the blast with their own bodies. Due to the surprise nature of the attack, this was entirely inadvertent; He was simply lucky. He was one of only three survivors, another child who was saved due to similar circumstances, and a man that lost his leg but lived. The images of gore haunt him, but he seems mostly able to push it to the back of his mind assuming the topic is not brought up for him. Innis's non-immediate family was very limited, and none of them seemed to want the boy. Everyone had their own issues. He was to be placed in a SOS village, before suddenly vanishing... [b]Miscellaneous[/b] -likes sweets, and deeply appreciates frozen sweets. -easy to get along with, reliably unlikely to gossip. -immature as fuck under some circumstances. -people tend to realize at some point or another that they don't really know anything about him, despite spending a lot of time with him. He is naturally non-revealing even when he appears to be open. -fluent in french, English is grammatically correct, but he employs a much more simplified vocabulary. [/center] [/hider]