In the year 2346 Common Era... Freedom, something that Industrians have dreamed of for decades. It has been 56 years since the Ree have enslaved the Industrian species. A small group was brave enough to challenge their power, and stole a mining facility from their grasp. Inside they build their base of operations, and hatched their plan for rebellion. [Loading files... Files for "Industrian Revolution" loaded.] [hider=Industrian Revolution]2346 Human Imperial Calendar (0 Industrian Era). The Industrian species revolted against their Ree slave masters successfuly with the help of the Zelarian Empire and Elten species. They were successful in 26 Industrian Calendar with the destruction of the Ree home world. Notable people: Inomen Aknomen Industria, Rasver Dedict Trilvé, Kasseri Velva Zelaria.[/hider] [hider=Ree Technology]2346 technology was limited to ballistic and plasma weaponry. The Ree Empire's current technological level during the Industrian Revolution was Tier 5. Their technology was successfully used against them in 06, when the Industrian species regained control of their planet.[/hider] [hider=Industrian Species(0-2075IE)]This file describes the Industrian species from years 0 to 2075 on the Industrian Calendar. The Industrians are a race of humanoid extra terrestrials, traits remarkably similar to Humans. (See: Humanoid Phenomenon) They possess five fingers and toes, two arms, two legs, anatomically simliar eyes and hair. Their eye's irises are universally red, their hair is either white or silver. They are also universally caucasian.(possessing pale/tan skin)[/hider] [hider=Zelarian Species(0-1652IE)]This files describes the Zelarian species from years 0 to 1652 on the Industrian Calendar. The Zelarian species are a humanoid race of extra terrestrials, whom possess traits remarkably similar to Humans. (See: Humanoid Phenomenon) They possess five fingers and toes, two arms, two legs, anatomically simliar eyes and hair. Their eye's irises are usually red, black, or green. Their hair and skin is universally red. They are a well respected race for assisting the Industrians to eliminate the Ree Empire.[/hider] [Hider=Elten Species(0-13645IE)]This file describes the Elten species from years 0 to 13645 on the Industrian Calendar. The Elten are a race of humanoid extra terrestrials, traits remarkably similar to Humans. (See: Humanoid Phenomenon) Their limbs are more flexible then human limbs, and have two posable thumbs and three fingers on each hand. They have yellow irises and grey/pale skin, similar to amphibian leather.[/hider] [img]]