WIP Late for work. [center][hider=Boom Diggity...] Character Sheet [CENTER][img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131215233740/narutofanon/images/8/88/Jonin_Nen.png [/img] Death Has come for you [IMG]http://i46.tinypic.com/xclv9d.png][/IMG] Name:Jiro Hayashi Nickname/Alias:The Reaper, Hayashi Sensei Gender:Male Age and date of birth: 23 November 2nd Age Appearance:20s Sexuality: Hetrosexual Parents: Kazu and Rin Length and build: 6'3 (190.5 centimeters) Toned muscled body Weight: 172 pounds (77.56) Favorite weather and season: Rainy and winter [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] Village: Konohagakure Birthplace: Konohagakure Organization: Shinobi Forces Clan/Bloodline: Hayashi Rank: Jonin Chakra Nature: Fire, wind, [IMG]http://i46.tinypic.com/vmspdd.png][/IMG] Appearance:[img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131215233740/narutofanon/images/8/88/Jonin_Nen.png [/img] [IMG]http://i45.tinypic.com/23msj6g.png][/IMG] Personality: Jiro is a very serious and tough person, with a tendency to be very blunt and harsh. During missions he expects nothing but the best, for those who don't live up to their potential he has very little tolerance for. This is not to say he is unfair, as most who have been assigned with him in the past and in the present can say he never expected more then what they were capable of doing. There are many who claim that Jiro is a natural leader, as he always leads from the front. Often the the first into the fire as it were, he is also the first to ask some one more experienced then himself for help if required. His greatest desire is to see a strong village capable of doing what his generation was not, to achieve a true lasting peace without blood shed As a teacher his only goal is to make strong independent Shinobi who will one day surpass him, and will carry on his Nindo. While many may not trust him, he is loyal to his village, regardless of [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] History: (At least a paragraph) Theme Song: [IMG]http://i50.tinypic.com/2h5tkk2.png][/IMG] Weapons/Items: Name of Weapon or Item: Description: Appearance: [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] Name of Weapon or Item: Description: Appearance: [IMG]http://i50.tinypic.com/15qxeus.png][/IMG] Skills/Abilities: (Things they are good at also include things they are poor at. Helps with training) [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] Special Traits: (Things they were born with such as low/high chakra levels) [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] Kekkei Genkai: (Optional. Canon or original, must be balanced.) Traits/Abilities of Kekkei Genkai: [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] Jutsu: Canon Jutsu: [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] Custom Jutsu: Name of Technique: Type of Jutsu: Rank: Range: Nature Type: Handseals: Description: Weakness: ==================== Name of Technique: Type of Jutsu: Rank: Range: Nature Type: Handseals: Description: Weakness: [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png][/IMG] Summons *limited to one for now* Name: Species: Age/Gender: Size: Unique Traits: Jutsu: Name of Technique: Type of Jutsu: Rank: Range: Nature Type: Handseals: Description: Weakness: History/Personality: [/CENTER][/hider][/center]