[quote=@ClocktowerEchos] [@Cyclone] You got an NS up? If not, what do you have/want and what kind of weapons do you have? [/quote] NS will be up this weekend. The Commonwealth is heavily industrialized and have something of a martial culture from repeated war and expansion over the past five or six decades, so they have one of the bigger, better, and generally more experienced armies in the world. Aside from sheer number, their land forces are also scary because of how mechanized they are. Light tanks, humvees, and mixed-force regiments do Blitzkrieg but there are also some really heavy steampunkish tanks for when raw power is needed. Artillery and chemical weapons are also used liberally. I envision them being in something of an arms race with nearby nations to develop aircraft, and with a strong economy and manufacturing base I'd say they would have a good airforce (albeit not near as great as their army). Despite all of this they remain more of a regional threat than a global one, because that strip of coastline that they have is one of their newest territorial acquisitions and they've only have it for something like two decades or less. They haven't had time to develop a strong naval presence and lack colonies which means that they are somewhat limited to their own continent. Of course, they really want to become more of a global power and have been trying to build a formidable navy, so this might change as the RP goes on. So, to summarize: almost undoubtedly the biggest users of land vehicles and tanks, probably the best land forces, pretty solid airforce, but small and subpar navy. [quote=@Gig] [@Cyclone] Out of interest could you colour in what the old empire contained on a blank map ? Since it seems to be a huge defining feature of your national identity and I am personally interested. [/quote] I'm a bit hesitant to do so because I'd essentially be forcing my nation's history on nearby nations, but I'll go ahead anyways seeing as my nation was there first. If anybody objects then they can talk to me about it or just move their nations a bit. [img]http://i.imgur.com/EqA8eY8.gif[/img] Sloppily drawn purple is the fullest extent of the Old Moravian Empire (though this is still subject to change :P). So the only nations that really stand at threat would be the PRK and ZB's country. Of course, since this was all something like 2,000 years ago those borders would be pretty rough and debatable, and this misinformation could be manipulated by both sides.