Quote: The pathetic monkey scum will pay! Name: Frost Title: Last of the Cold Family line Age:?? Race: [Each race has unique abilities]Frieza Race Appearance:[hider][img]http://36.media.tumblr.com/006d4608d25ff182df09cb1359d30f5d/tumblr_inline_nnn8f82KbE1szatwj_500.png[/img] First Form [/hider] Family:The descendant of Frieza family, the grandson of Frieza's son Bio: (Optional) Personality: (Optional) Likes:provinjg he is the strongest, killing, sweets, cold places, Dislike:Sayains, military insubordination, bad haircuts, Abilities/techniques: Death beam, eyebeams, Ki energy wave, death beam barrage, death ball(causes a lot of ki to be used) Transformations:[hider][img]http://pre12.deviantart.net/03d6/th/pre/i/2013/125/8/5/freezer_race_berserker_by_spongeboss-d5e2ua1.png[/img] Second FOrm [img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/be2b/f/2013/180/7/3/frieza_s_race_elite_by_legofrieza-d6b85cq.png[/img] Final Form[/hider]Can transorm but hasnt trained enough to handle the raw power and will burn through his ki faster then he has a chance to use his attacks Master: (Optional) Other: