[@manapool1] [quote]1.this is 200 years after the origonal characters are dead.... 2. most of your moves are border line android, so I can't allow the second two moves unless slightly altered 3. This is optional, but I would really enjoy it if you added a last name or stayed with the dragon ball style of naming people after grains and nut style dishes. 4. the transformation isn't really a transformation, but it's funny so you've won me over on that. 5. We already have a character who has an A.I. in their character, so I'd rather not, but again, optional 6. How did they do that anyway?[/quote] 1. i know, i thought you meant the distant relatives. his father's the Previous acting president of cube corps' robotics division (oked with tiny) and the mother's unknown 2. the second to last move is semi-android... cyborg... thing... so he's sort of a cyborg if you wanted to count the nanomachines as that, but i could also have his regen be ki based if you wish just to remove the nanomachines. The last one is actually a natural talent with ki allowing him to see how moves are done and replicate them to an extent, but it's always imperfect until practiced to the point he can do it naturally 3. Davis 4. :3 5. The ai's the copied conciousness of android 18, not an actual ai... she's actually in there... though, for all intents and purposes, her original body is dead, this is a copy which can be debated as being the same thing. 6. no idea what you meant there