[hider=Freya Crescent] [center][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/5/5c/Freya_Crescent_character.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130321024835[/img] [b]NAME[/b] Freya Crescent [b]ORIGIN[/b] Final Fantasy IX[/center] [b]MEMORIA[/b] [hider=SPOILERS! BEWARE! ALL OF FFIX WITHIN!]Freya Crescent is a Burmecian, a race of rat-like people from the nation of Burmecia. Well known for it's unending rain, Burmecia holds a proud history behind it steeped in tradition and legend. Legends of dragons, legends of warriors. Freya Crescent is one such warrior of the highest regard, a Dragoon. The youngest to ever pass the Dragoon trial, Freya was the squire of the noble Sir Fratley, a hero in his own right. Their relationship was complex, but their bond was strong. Master and student, brothers in arms, and lovebirds of great passion, the two were inseparable, always seen together in training, in leisure, and in battle whenever possible. That is, until the day that Sir Fratley left. His goodbye was short yet heartfelt as he left on a journey of self-discovery, a mission of peace before the thundering of war. Freya promised that she would wait. And wait she did. An entire year of waiting, until rumor came of the death of Sir Fratley. The youngest Dragoon left her country, never to return for some time until she could find her lost lover. The games never touch upon what she had accomplished in-between, the things that she had seen and done, but it is known that Freya left Burmecia five years before the events of our story and had become friends with Zidane two years after that. Freya joins with Zidane for the first time after meeting him in a seedy bar in Lindblum, claiming to be there for the Festival of the Hunt. Whether she is searching for Sir Fratley, testing her skills as she says, or has merely lost direction in her life is never clear, however she is able to convince Zidane to participate in the same festival. After such a heartwarming reunion comes a heartbreaking revelation: Burmecia came under attack from the forces of Kingdom Alexandria. Zidane joins Freya as she travels back to Burmecia, passing through Gizamaluke's Grotto and pacifying Leviathan along the way. They find Burmecia in ruins, decimated by black mages, ground troops, and feral beasts. Freya comes to find that Queen Brahne, the Queen of Alexandria herself, is present for the slaughter along with General Beatrix, the cold-blooded knight that knows no mercy, and Kuja, a psychopathic monster of ill notoriety. Freya challenges General Beatrix and is beaten within an inch of her life, but ultimately spared an honorable death in favor of the misery of failing her people. On a lead, or maybe a hunch, Freya Crescent decides to return to the last bastion of her people: the sandstorm city of Cleyra. Having split from the warrior nation of Burmecia long ago, Cleyra was a peaceful city of dancers, priests, and pacifists, the city itself protected by a ceaseless tornado of sand. Freya and her comrades are able to make it to Cleyra in order to warn the King of Burmecia who had taken refuge there. To protect against the incoming assault, the Cleyran High Priest decides to perform a ritual dance to strengthen the power of Cleyra's protective sandstorm. Freya is given the honors of participating and does so, but no sooner does the ritual complete than the harp used to pluck the notes of the ritual chorus snap. The sandstorm ceases, and Alexandria attacks. Cleyra soon becomes overrun with foot soldiers from the base of Cleyra and black mage troops teleporting inside from airships, and things begin to take a grim turn. Freya and her comrades are pushed back to the cathedral to make a final stand, when another Dragoon comes to her rescue. Sir Fratley. Freya is overjoyed to finally unite with her long lost love until he reveals that he does not remember her name. He has been stricken with amnesia, and does not remember anything save for his title as a legendary Dragoon, and he disappears into the fray to rescue his fellow people from their demise. Freya is heartbroken, and it is here that General Beatrix once more enters the scene. She steals the jewel upon the ritual harp, but Freya will not allow her to win twice. Freya challenges her to a second duel and is once more bested with little effort before teleporting back to her airship. With revenge in her heart and mind, Freya gives chase and is able to board the same ship. Just in time to witness the genocide of the last of her people. As Freya and the rest of the party board Queen Brahne's airship, she unleashes the eidelon Odin to destroy the city of Cleyra, and with it nearly the rest of Freya's race. With nothing left to lose, Freya pursues General Beatrix to Alexandria via teleportation. While in Alexandria castle Freya, Zidane, and the rest of the party manage to save Princess Garnet after Queen Brahne's minions, Zorn and Thorn, extract her eidelons. General Beatrix, in repentance for blindly following orders, betrays Queen Brahne and offers to aid in Princess Garnet's escape. Against her better judgement, Freya joins both Beatrix and Steiner in covering Zidane's retreat with Princess Garnet in tow. Freya spends some time in Alexandria Castle recuperating from her overwhelming battle before Zidane returns with Princess Garnet, now the last royal heir after the assassination of Queen Brahne on the Outer Continent. Eventually Freya acquaints herself with Zidane's newly gathered party, and after the coronation of Queen Garnet they head to Treno for some R&R. However, their rest is cut short when Alexandria is attacked by Kuja in a powerful airship, using eidelons as his weapons. Freya and the party in Treno board the Hilde Guarde 2 and head for Alexandria, arriving in time to witness the summon of the eidelon Alexander. Freya retreats to Lindblum with her comrades to plan their next move. While there, she encounters a few Burmecian refugees and promises to rebuild Burmecia once Kuja has been killed. Looking for clues as to Kuja's whereabouts, the party travels to Black Mage Village where they learn of Kuja's Desert Palace. When they enter the palace, they are captured and held ransom for Zidane's cooperation. Kuja gives Zidane an ultimatum: he is to travel to a place called Oeilvert and retrieve an item for him, or his friends will die. Zidane, of course, agrees to this request. Because Oeilvert has an anti-magic barrier within it, we'll assume that he takes Freya along with him. [center]_________________________________________________ At this point in the plot, Freya Crescent stops being any kind of relevant. Like, at all. I'm hoping to change that in my own rendition, but the rest of the Memoria will read out like a list of what the group did rather than what's unique to Freya. _________________________________________________[/center] While in Oeilvert, Freya learns about Terra in the cryptic messages that are left behind. They retrieve the item that Kuja had asked for and make their way back to his palace to find that the others have escaped, and the party attempts to halt Zidane from giving Kuja what they want. Of course, they fail, and Kuja attempts to flee in his airship while they pursue by boat to the Lost Continent, having kidnapped the young summoner Eiko. Freya assists in saving her life along with Zidane. Kuja's plans are revealed and the party retreats back to Lindblum to plan their next move: finding clues in Ipsin Castle. Ipsin Castle reveals the key to travelling between the two worlds, Terra and Gaia, and that one must place the mirrors that were found upon the top at the four corners of the world. Since they must be done at once, the party splits into teams to accomplish this goal. Freya is teamed with Amarant in placing the Fire Mirror within a volcano. After a tough fight against an arrogant enemy, the two are victorious and are picked up by Zidane and his crew to travel to the Shivering Island, taking the Spirit Road to the gate of Terra. Freya arrives on Terra with the party and discovers the truth of Zidane's origins, Kuja, and the cause of the turmoil that has wracked Gaia since the war with Alexandria had started. Zidane disappears to speak to Garland, and it is obvious that his bewitching words have affected his mind. The party goes to assist him, and Freya and Amarant join forces again in an attempt to get him to snap out of his strange behavior. He ignores the two of them and presses forward, leaving them behind. Everyone will catch up with Zidane after a time, and Freya ends up chastising him for going off alone. Afterwards they confront Garland, Kuja's Silver Dragon, and Kuja himself before Kuja uses his newly found powers of Trance and decimates them. In his power trip, Kuja's Ultima spell threatens to destroy all of Pandemonium and what remains of Terra. Ever the hero, Zidane attempts to save his Genome brothers and sisters by helping them evacuate to the airship. Freya assists Zidane in leading the evacuation effort. Freya shows concerns that Kuja is still alive and will attempt to destroy Gaia, and her fears are confirmed. Kuja attempts to cause the Lifa Tree to malfunction and floods the world with Mist, the cloudy substance that breeds monsters. Faced with Armageddon, Freya shows both melancholy and resolve in what must be done. She must fight to her last breath and enjoy the time she does have left. Above the Lifa Tree is a large orb of pure energy, from which powerful dragons pour out of. Using Regent Cid's air fleet the party is able to annihilate all the dragons and enter into Memoria, a place not unlike Celestia. Memoria is a place of hard truths, where one is forced to live out their memories once again, both forgotten and painful. It is here that they learn about the truth of Terra and Gaia from Zidane's Genome memory and the villain Garland. After their journey through Memoria, the party arrives at the Crystal World, a land of nothing and everything. It is here where the world crystal resides that birthed all worlds. And Kuja is there, trying to destroy it and take all reality with him. The battle with Kuja begins, and he is defeated. With his final act, Kuja destroys the world crystal. The party wakes up in Hell, and must defeat Necron, the Darkness of Eternity, the ultimate being that will return all existence to nothingness. The group is able to stave off Necron, but not truly defeat it. It claims that as long as life and death exists it will be eternal. Everyone is teleported out of Hell and to the base of the Lifa Tree, which is going berserk. Zidane attempts to to go there to save Kuja from his own demise, but he is stopped by the rest of the party. Initially Freya refuses to let Zidane go alone, until he makes it abundantly clear that this is for his sake, in which case she relents and boards the Hilda Guarde 3. This is the last time she will see him in a year. During that year, Freya Crescent has become close again with Sir Fratley. Although he does not remember the days they had spent together, they fall in love all over again and spend their time rebuilding Burmecia to its former glory. She attends a play at Alexandria Castle upon Queen Garnet's request, [i]I Wanna Be Your Canary[/i] performed by the Tantalus Theatre Troupe, Zidane's old thieve's guild. It comes to light at the finally of the play that Zidane is still alive when, as dramatic as ever, throws off his cloak to reveal that he had been playing the lead part all along. And that, as they say, is all.[/hider] [b]REPERTOIRE[/b] [u]Jump[/u] Trained in the ways of the Dragoon, Freya Crescent has quite an impressive leap. Dragoons are traditionally trained to be able to leap incredible distances both vertically and horizontally, which aids in battling the monsters of their namesake: gigantic creatures that can fly. While a Dragoon is not invincible while they are Jumping, they are very difficult to hit at their distance from the enemy and aerial maneuverability. A jumping Dragoon can stay aloft for significant periods of time, avoiding deadly attacks and striking at an opportune moment. While Freya is no more stronger than any average Dragoon, her jump height and level of aerial control is legendary. She is able to leap hundreds of feet in the air, can dodge attacks fired at her while airborne using bodily positioning and manipulating air current with her coat, and strike precisely at small and quick moving targets, even airborne ones. [u]Dragon Arts[/u] As a Dragoon, Freya is skilled in combat with spears and lances, specializing in monsters of large size and flying creatures. Dragoons are not typically used in conventional warfare and instead are tasked with hunting monsters and defending settlements, although some are wanderers for the first reason. Those that are employed in battle are normally used as special forces units, capturing airships and holding strategic positions. The combat style of a Dragoon is one of discipline and controlled ferocity, and is known as a highly maneuverable style strong in defense and mobility. While straightforward in nature the Dragoon style is often used in ceremonies, and certain ceremonial rituals are used to perform powerful Dragon Arts. The Dragon Arts, while using one's own [b]M[/b]agic [b]P[/b]otential and resembling traditional spellcraft, is not actually magic. Dragon Arts are a physical manifestation of one's own noble spirit and are invoked through rituals and techniques passed down through tradition. [hider=List of Dragon Arts][i]Lancer[/i] - The Lancer technique is often the first and most useful technique a Dragoon learns. While not nearly as powerful as a piercing strike from a spear, the Lancer technique is capable of absorbing an adversary's spirit, soothing the user's own soul. It drains enemy health and magic and gives a small difference to the user of the technique. [i]Reis's Wind[/i] - Named after Reis Dular, the Holy Dragon of legend, Reis's Wind is a defensive spiritual technique. By infusing one's spirit into their lance and twirling it with great force, a Dragoon can generate a pacifying wind that staves off fatigue, keeps the undead at bay, and purifies unholiness. The Reis's Wind technique can also defend against low-level black magics. Dragoons in large units often use the Reis's Wind technique to maintain their fierce battle style for long periods of time, outlasting larger and more numerous enemy units through sheer force of spirit. [i]Dragon Breath[/i] - All Dragoon's possess the spirit of a great dragon, manifested through their strong willpower, jumping ability, Dragon Arts, and other mysterious ways. A Dragoon is capable of using this spirit to emulate a dragon's powerful breath attack. This attack's power is directly proportional to a Dragoon's own vitality, and they use their spirit to overwhelm the spirits of their enemies. Simply speaking, the better condition a Dragoon is in, the more powerful their Dragon Breath. [i]White Draw[/i] - A more advanced version of the Lancer technique, the White Draw attacks an adversary's mind and spirit directly. The Dragoon performing this technique is able to feed off of this spirit to replenish their own, and since they receive this spirit in a raw form they can choose to share this spirit with their surrounding allies. Dragoons will use the White Draw when in larger units to keep their spirits strong, and Dragoons deployed with mages and summoners will use this ability to restore their [b]M[/b]agic [b]P[/b]otential. [i]Luna[/i] - Dragoons are fierce and powerful warriors but tempered with discipline and a strong resolve. However, each Dragoon will choose what they themselves will focus on: their powerful fury or flawless technique. Dragoons of both disciplines will find great use in the Luna technique, an ancient dance that ignites the passions of all who witness to a fever pitch. To the fierce, this ritual will cast off the doubts of themselves and their comrades as they fly into a blood rage and overrun an equally impassioned enemy. To the clever, they will be able to exploit the endless rage of their aggressors, striking decisively and with purpose as the enemy flails about with anger in their heart and not a thought in their head but blood lust. [i]Six Dragons[/i] - Through intense prayer at a desperate moment, a Dragoon can be capable of invoking a Hydra of Spirit. Although this is less of a technique and more of a trial, a Dragoon can use this to great effect in the heat of battle. When they are at their last breath, final step, and can go no longer, by reading the Dragoon's oath in one's head it is said that a Hydra of Spirit will appear to the Dragoon. The Hydra of Spirit will then pass judgement on the Dragoon and his or her company to see if they are worthy of assistance. The Hydra of Spirit is highly unpredictable, however, and its appearance can be as harmful as it can be helpful. If a Hydra of Spirit deems the Dragoon worthy, it will soothe his or her soul and restore his or her body to peak physical form. If not, it will attempt to finish off the Dragoon. The Hydra of Spirit will also do the same for any in the vicinity, either healing their body or destroying their souls. Understandably so, Dragoons do not use this technique outside of their greatest time of need. [i]Cherry Blossom[/i] - A more ceremonial technique, this ritual is performed through ancient dance. By infusing the soul into one's movements and performing the dance as passed down through tradition, a Dragoon may splinter their spirit and scatter it to the breeze. This spirit manifests in gentle flakes, the technique named after the appearance of these flakes, that drift gently upon the wind. These flakes of spirit are harmful to the flesh, however, and the sheer number of them can prove overwhelming. This technique is commonly used in tandem with Reis's Wind to scatter the Cherry Blossoms into enemies more effectively. A small handful of master Dragoons have learned that by modifying their steps and performing with weapon in hand that they can invoke Cherry Blossoms while attacking at the same time. [i]Dragon Crest[/i] - The most powerful and final technique a Dragoon can learn, the Dragon Crest ritual is not taught to Dragoon's through traditional methods. The Dragon Crest technique can only be learned by an individual when they have become strong enough to do so, and have proven as much by slaying a large number of dragons. Their soul will speak to them and show them the ritual they must perform, and this ritual will free the soul of the Dragoon in a powerful attack. This attack will focus the warrior's spirit of the Dragoon, taking the cumulative spirit of the dragons they have slain and unleash it upon the enemy. For master Dragoon's this attack can be devastating, even more destructive than the most potent black mage spell or summoner's eidelon. This comes at a cost, however. If performed prematurely, incorrectly, or without a strong enough spirit, the Dragon Crest technique can severely injure or kill the performer.[/hider] [u]Trance[/u] In FFIX, when an individual experiences a strong emotional surge their soul will overflow with energy. The individual will transform at this point, increasing their potential, removing their limiters, and unlocking their hidden potential. Certain aspects will change and they will be able to fight with more ferocity, and may be able to perform certain actions in combat that they could not before. This event is called "Trance". Trance is connected to the spirit, the soul, and the emotions of the person experiencing trance. Those without a soul cannot enter Trance through normal means. Not everyone can enter Trance though, and those under emotional turmoil such as depression will not be able to enter Trance. Freya Crescent is able to enter Trance during critical events important to her, or when she's taken a significant amount of damage. Her armor will transform into a full suit of plate mail opposed to her normal half-plate, an all-encompassing helmet will cover her head and face, and the spear she wields will change. During Trance Freya's attributes are enhanced. She is able to move faster, attack with more ferocity, and deal more damage than normal. In addition, Freya's Jumping abilities are greatly enhanced, so much that she is able to stay in the air indefinitely until Trance ends or she chooses to come down. This is not flight, her superior airtime is achieved through greater aerial control and the ability to leap high above the clouds. While in Trance, Freya is also able to summon spears made of spiritual energy and launch them towards her opponents at incredible speeds. Her signature Trance ability is a Jump followed by raining energy spears onto all enemies on the battlefield until her Trance ends, when she will descend from the heavens with a mighty blow. Trance will only last for a few minutes at most and is extremely taxing on the spirit and body. [b]NOTES[/b] [u]Tales Untold[/u] The neat thing about FFIX in my opinion was that you had characters that were already fleshed out and felt like individuals. These people had lived lives before, rich fulfilling lives and this game is just a stage within it. Everyone had quirks and complex character traits, from Steiner's relentless dedication to duty reflected in his respect for a powerful black mage to Amarant's rough past bearing his cynicism. What wasn't as neat was this left precious little to draw upon during a character's life outside of the game outside of Zidane or Garnet, and the fact that each character got their focus arc and then was essentially along for the ride. I'm hoping to expand into Freya's backstory a bit. She's highly disciplined, becoming the youngest Dragoon in Burmecia, only to leave her country. Why? Apparently she's close with Zidane, and by the time the game starts she hasn't seen him in 3 years. How did they meet, and what happened then? These are the tales I want to tell. [u]The Dragoon Warrior[/u] It's kinda taken at face value, but a Dragoon is just a Lancer that jumps really high and is really into dragons. There has to be more to it than this. Personally, I think that the Dragoon has always been the coolest of the Final Fantasy jobs, from their skills to their attitudes. I'm taking this as an opportunity to expand upon what it means to be a Dragoon, their oaths, their rituals, their history, their training, their mission. [u]A Change in Countenance[/u] Freya Crescent is an extremely complex character and hard to define. She's melancholic and romantic, she's respectful but ferocious, she's calm and composed on the outside but deeply troubled on the inside. Within this RP I want to give everyone a peek into her head to see what we've missed this whole time: her memories, her past, her feelings, her inner monologue. My Freya Crescent will be slightly more serious, show admirable dedication to her vows and her people, and won't be as afraid to show more emotion than she did in her original game. No, it won't all be tears, there will be joy, relief, despair, fury, hopelessness, determination, ambition, and guilt in there too. [u]To Be Forgotten is Worse Than Death[/u] Freya, true to her character, is hesitant to let go of the past. She spends years searching for her lost love and returns to Burmecia's aid in an instant, but as soon as she loses the both of them Freya loses her purpose until she gains a new one: rebuilding her demolished country and finally reuniting with her soulmate. In lieu of this, Freya dedicates herself to her personal bonds with old friends. She's not one to leave her past behind her, and this will be reflected in the fluid nature of her memories within Celestia. Her story will be filled with frequent flashbacks and "flash-forward" events of her original memories as she slowly remembers who she is. This will have a mostly passive effect on the storyline, such as remembering the name of someone she's yet to meet, but sometimes this will have more concrete effects such as bringing something from her memories back with her or changing and event that "goes wrong" to the way that she remembers it. In this way, Freya will seamlessly step into and out of the worlds of others just as easily as walking through a door to a new world, and looking backward and finding the way you had come is no longer there. [b]VISION[/b] My reason for joining this RP is the character-building focus of it. I tend to write at a slow pace, and having the freedom with which to build upon a poorly explored character at my own comfortable pace seems like a grand idea. I'm also hoping to get some feedback on my own writing ability and improve how I write overtime. In a sense, I want to see with what capacity I can write in novel format in a way that's enjoyable to read. I've already got some ideas in mind, and I'll share my story arcs below. [list][*]Prologue: What Has Come to Pass. During my opening section with Freya, it will play as a disjointed flashback throwing out random significant memories of events both included in the game, before the start of the game, and what comes afterward. For example, I intend to include scenes of Freya's graduation from her Dragoon training, the day that Sir Fratley left her in Burmecia, snippets of her fights with Necron and Kuja, a few moments on Terra, you get the picture. The order will be jumbled, but it will definitely end with her arrival in Lindblum, which will segway into the next chapter. [*]Chapter 1: Hunter's Second Chance. I will be starting with where FFIX introduced Freya Crescent: a little bar in Lindblum that Zidane happens upon while out on the town. Freya will be there drinking heavily, love sick from being unable to find her soul mate Sir Fratley, reminiscing about days past (one of the major themes is how she can't move on with her life, choosing to chase the past in hopes of taking things back to the way they were). Here she will meet Zidane as normal, have a friendly catch-up session, and eventually backslide into her melancholy once more (tying in with the theme, Zidane will attempt to get her to start looking toward the future again, this time by cheering her up). Freya will admit that she is there to partake in the Festival of the Hunt to test her abilities as a Dragoon, hiding the real reason she is present. To search for Sir Fratley. [*]Flashback 1: The Soldier and the Thief. This will be a flashback of how Freya and Zidane originally met as children. Freya will have just left Burmecia in her search for Sir Fratley, and Zidane will be a fledgling member of the Tantalus Theater Troupe. I don't have the details of this flashback nailed down too hard yet, but I'm thinking that Zidane steals something from Freya causing her to deal with the den of thieves. Here, unlike how the real world works, the Tantalus Theater Troupe will show Freya some compassion and assistance in looking for her lost love, but her and Zidane will remain especially close. [*]Chapter 2: Blade and Bone [b](Collab Point!)[/b]. During the events of this chapter Freya will participate in the Festival of the Hunt with Zidane. It's around here where she will begin seeing "future events"... or rather gaining back the memories from when she did this the first time. Freya will win the Festival of the Hunt instead of letting Zidane win as she had done before. This change of heart is brought upon by Princess Garnet, who she feels is significant and centers around heartache but cannot explain why. Her memories of events to come are not complete, and since she is distrustful of her and is aware that Zidane has a date with Garnet dependent on his victory she pushes ahead of him easily thanks to her superior skills. It is also here that Freya begins to question the state of her memories a little, as she remembers techniques she "did not yet see". If any player is up for collaboration at this point, I will open up Freya to temporarily visit another's world as one of the districts of Lindblum during the Festival of the Hunt. That player's world would be perceived by her to be another district where time in her own world stands still. Conversely, another player could dip into Freya's world and briefly join the Festival of the Hunt. [*]Flashback 2: The Day He Left. This chapter will display the events that happened the day Sir Fratley left Burmecia, and will serve to show his importance to Freya in a small dose. There will be other doses, of course, memories both happy and sad with which to understand why Freya Crescent has been looking for Sir Fratley as long as she has. [*]Chapters to Come: More Stuff! And Things! This is going to be where the story takes a huge turn. Up until now I've been following the canon path the story goes fairly closely, and it will continue to follow that same path. The biggest difference to the storyline will be the fact that Freya will "see future events" by recovering her memories, and her actions on these events will cause a butterfly effect down the line. For example, in the scene where the Hunter's Feast is poisoned Freya will not eat the food because she feels that she shouldn't, which will begin to change EVERYTHING. The arcs I will be exploring are as follows, and will all be touched upon as they become appropriate: Freya becoming a Dragoon, Freya's search for Sir Fratley and just how much he means to her, Freya unable to let go of her past, Freya losing everything that anyone could possibly ever lose (if you haven't played the game, I won't spoil it except to say that it's gonna be worse in my story), Freya's friendship with Zidane, Freya's search for purpose in a purposeless life, what Freya has been up to after the Queen's death and before Kuja's attack, Freya as a warrior and legendary Dragoon. During my story, I'll have pre-set collaboration points where Freya can interact with the worlds of others and not have it interfere with the story too much. I'll announce it every time I'm at a good point, but I'll list my planned ones here: The Festival of the Hunt Gizamaluke Grotto The Attack on Lindblum The Great Lifa Tree The Outer Continent/Madain Sari After the death of the Queen, before the Princess's coronation Oeilvert/Kuja's Palace Terra Memoria Because of the nature of this RP's setting and the place that is Memoria, there'll probably be a lot of significance there. Just stating that now. There will be more collab points, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. [/list] [b]SAMPLES[/b] Alright, so screw the real sample I was going to do, I've got a couple of good ones on standby. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/1076724]This one was a long time ago, but what's there is pretty alright. This was right before I ended up leaving the site for about a year, though.[/url] [url=http://role-player.net/forum/showthread.php?t=61037&page=4&p=2103724&viewfull=1#post2103724]This one is on a different site, but I think it's still pretty good. I tried to write this more dramatically and with period-speak, I think it went well.[/url][/hider]