[quote=Kurisa] Ryuu looked at Yu when he said it was amazing how he wiped out most of them but Ryuu didn't take to much notice of it "It's nothing..." Ryuu then looked forward to see a large dark mass forming "I assume this is it..." Ryuu's prediction was right. The reason he couldn't sense this hollow was because it was split into many hollow meaning it was almost like a Gillian...yet it had more control over itself...it also seemed to almost have the same height as a gillian just not as tall..."Be prepared..." The three horns then formed on the top of the hollows mask and sure enough once it formed it fired off a massive cero that tore through the forest and ground. Ryuu shunpoed off to the right then continued to shunpo through the forest until he got closer to it, he shunpoed behind it's left leg and aimed to take a fair sized chunk out of the back of it's leg in two deep slash's. Ryuu gripped his Zanpakuto in both hands then slashed at the three horned hollows left leg and took out a large chunk causing the large hollow to fall down to one knee..."Big...but stupid...and slow" this would be why it always attacked in large numbers rather than in it's large form...in it's split up form it was faster and had the numbers advantage but now being forced back into this state it was strong but slow... [/quote] Yu watched at Ryuu's prediction was spot on as the dark mass formed into a rather big Hollow who indeed had three horn on top of its head, but once it formed it fired off a cero right away, which Yu dodged by going to the left, he saw Ryuu going behind it, and cut off a chunk of its leg causing it to fall to one knee. Giving it no chance to rest, Yu shunpoed in front of his face, with Yu's reiatsu covering his fist. Yu then slammed his fist as hard as he could into it's head, he saw a crack in its mask and dodged the next swing. Yu then took up Ryuus idea and cut off his own chunk in the right leg, making the Hollow fall to both his knees.