The dim light that came from the candles upon the edges of the hard wooden table illuminated the corner of the Inn they had gathered in. Most of the citizens of Bree had gone home to rest for the night but those who were still awake and wondering would have found the simple candle lights coming from the first floor of the Prancing Pony a curiosity. Thankfully, there would be no intrusion due to the front door being locked as well as the shades being pulled down to help with privacy from inquisitive eyes. The trail that had been lightly marked upon the map from the old man did seem rather bizarre and went seemed to have no real direction to it besides putting those foolish enough to follow it in danger. [color=00aeef]“There has to be a reason the old man wanted us to take this path that he had marked out for us instead of the more obvious and less dangerous route."[/color] The sound of footsteps coming down the stairs drew Ravens attention, he quickly turned his body to face the stairs and drew his sword before noticing that it was yet another member of his Mercenary group. This certain member of the group was a Dwarf, and had seemingly missed the Dark Riders due to a deep sleep that he had been in when they passed through the building. [color=00aeef]“Thanneth speaks the truth unfortunately, the Dark Lord moves again once more. Come join us Master Dwarf and we will explain the situation to you.” [/color]Raven pulled over a chari for Ori and motioned to it before continuing. [color=00aeef]"I also believe that Lord Elrond will be of invaluable aid to us, that is if we will be allowed to speak with him or travel through his lands. I mean no offense by this Thanneth but most Elves dislike those who are from the kingdom of men.”[/color] It was a true statement, the Elves held quite a bit of dislike for the armies of men due to many reasons that were due to their poor choices and ability to become corrupt over the promise of power and wealth. [color=00aeef]“The White Wizard Saruman on the other hand would welcome us as if we are old friends, that is what I have heard at least. His great knowledge, power, and wisdom will be invaluable for our cause.”[/color] Reaching into his bag he pulled out a carpenter pencil and began to make revisions to their path, [color=00aeef]“The idea of staying off the road is a great idea Eros, we are less likely to run into the Nine while traveling through the wilderness. Attempting to rally the Elves and Dwarves will not be an easy task to do, we will need proof of what we say to sway their minds and have to join our cause but it is possible. As for Moria, we will avoid that area completely unless we are forced to take that route do to unforeseen complications. The misty mountains could be just as deadly though, so when we arrive at the point where the choice has to be made, I will take a vote between all accompanying me as to which path will be taken. Mirkwood, to Erebor, then the Iron Hills as well as we ride south through Rhun and around into Mordor….”[/color] Raven traced his finger over the map while saying the names of the lands out loud to mostly himself. [color=00aeef]“We must avoid the black gate at all costs, that is nothing but at death trap for us all. Just in keep in mind that this is not a set path, we will undoubtedly meet challenges and obstacles upon the way that will most likely force us to change our course. Everyone get to bed and rest, for tomorrow we begin bright and early.”[/color] Raven would bow before his fellowship then head up the stairs to his room, shutting the door and locking it. After removing his gear, he placed it neatly upon the table and laid down upon his bed, quickly falling into a deep sleep. That night, all he could dream about was being chased by the Black Riders who were out to end his life. Morning came quickly, and Raven awoke feeling refreshed, energized and ready to begin. [color=fff200]“Master Raven, Good morning to you, I have made breakfast downstairs for you and your friends that is fir for a Hobbit. Quickly though, I must open the Prancing Pony soon!” [/color]Butterbur apparently had a quick change of mind over the night and had indeed created a breakfast fit for no less than a group of Hobbits. [color=00aeef]“Quite a display of culinary talent you have set up here for us.”[/color] Butterbur had retreated into the kitchen, and Raven took this as a sign to sit down and wait for the rest to join him for breakfast. When he did take his seat, he served himself a healthy amount of the wide assortment of foods, anxious to start eating and get the day moving.