[hider=Zahir Al Jabar] [i]I feel that I am more animal than human. Humans have to learn to adapt to survive while animals such as tigers, wolves, bears everything, are born with this natural ability to survive. What I come from, better yet, where I came from, I was born with the ability to inbred into me. I feel that I was meant for this. But only time will tell.[/i] - Zahir Al Jabra [b]Name[/b]: [i]Zahir Al Jabar[/i] [b]Nickname[/b]: [i]The Desert Phantom, Phantom, Ghost, Demon of the Nothing, Pop-Woosh (Rusty called him that)[/i] [b]The job you had before the world went to hell[/b]: [i]IDF/Special Forces (Israeli Defense Force), Joint operations with US military and second best sniper in military history in having over 650 confirmed kills[/i] [b]What you have become[/b]: [i]Sharpsooter/Warrior (Mostly stuck to his profession) however he has picked up a few tricks of the trade through his friend Rusty...More or less[/i] [b]Your sanity[/b]: [i]He wouldn't be considered sane but more or less desensitized to the violent and gruesome behavior of this new world due to the world he grew up in.[/i] [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider][img]http://prepperbroadcasting.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/12-18-14-coboyapocalypse.jpg[/img] (Note: Minus hat and goggles (Wears goggles only when necessary). Add Arabic head wrap that covers head and neck (desert camouflage colors). Nobody has personally seen or met him including his clients, minus one person. Mostly indirect contact via runners or drops. However he is known mostly by the car he drives and by his mechanic, bullet farmer and friend [url=http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Borderlands+Psycho+Bandit+Cosplay&view=detailv2&&id=E8FA872CFC9929372A1AC1C905F2F10AE37E45D8&selectedIndex=24&ccid=G58i7bGt&simid=607988746476322978&thid=OIP.M1b9f22edb1adad6d4534b1d5097009d8o0&ajaxhist=0]Rusty[/url], to make contact with clients. He also has hidden his real voice behind an electrolarnyx which, though clear as day, distorts and lowers his voice, making it raspier and with a gurgle.[/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: [i]He is a bit mysterious, seemingly indifferent to most however it is quite the contrary. He is more shy and only speaks his mind should the situation call for it. His is not at all hesitant to shoot anyone who threatens him and as [/i] [b]History[/b]: [i]Not much is really known about him in this hellhole other than he is dangerous. However, before this hell he was known as Israel's and the worlds second dangerous sniper. [/i] [b]His ride[/b]: [hider=Desert Fox][img] http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/98/r169_457x256_17033_The_Jackal_2d_automotive_sci_fi_buggy_post_apocalyptic_picture_image_digital_art.jpg [/img] It is known as the "Desert fox". Its mostly khaki in color with a light orange on top of the hood. Also to note, his "windshield is a layered drop...thing. It slides down to give protection from the harsh winds and bullets but also has a slot for him to see out of as well as one for rusty to shoot out of.[/hider] [b]Weapon of choice[/b]: [i]Sniper Rifles, Assault Rifles[/i] [b]Specialty[/b]: [i]Ranged Weapon and Fighting Expert[/i] [b]Other[/b]: [i]He is a decent singer and likes to play the violin. He is fluent in Arabic and English.[/i] [/hider]