[color=8882be]Eros watched and listened attentively, carefully considering the map and committing its every line to memory as his father had taught him to do. As Raven ordered them all to bed, and made his own way upstairs, Eros lingered only long enough to get fresh ice for his hand before heading to his own room and sleeping soundly for the remainder of the night. Rising early, thanks largely to his throbbing hand, Eros bathed in a cold bath, and dressed in full war glory. A padded cloth hauberk under a heavy chain-mail hauberk, polished steel cap over a soft leather cap, lined with wool to fight the cold, and sturdy, knee high leather boots, scuffed and worn with use but still road worthy. He belted his spear and bow to his back, and slung three full quivers across his chest on a thick leather belt. Around his waist hung a belt to which a bedroll, canteen, tender box, fletching kit, and a small coin purse were all attached via a series of thin leather chords. Eros wandered down stairs after checking his reflection and shaving his stubble, knowing that today might be the last day in a long time that he could afford the luxury. Seeing Raven tucking into a hearty breakfast, Eros followed suit and sat down to eat quickly and be ready to go when the other's finished. [/color]